The Aquaman actor candidly shared the difficulties he faces in trying to blend in, given his iconic stature

Jason Momoa at the Los Angeles special screening of Common Ground on January 11, 2024 in California.(Getty Images via AFP)

Jason Momoa finds it nearly impossible to fade into the background, but there was a unique occasion when he managed to do so through some extraordinary measures. “Being recognized is part of the deal,” notes the Aquaman star in a conversation with People, discussing his upcoming travel series, On the Roam (premiering on January 18 on MAX). “I stand at 6’4″, I’m Hawaiian, often decked out in stripes and, who knows, maybe even sporting pink. Subtlety isn’t my strong suit, and that’s just how it goes.”

Beyond the Limelight

Momoa told the publication that he usually doesn’t mind the attention. In addition to his distinctive appearance – with tattoos, an eyebrow scar, and flowing hair that often give him away, as he points out – he is recognized for cruising in a baby pink Cadillac. Recently, he also acquired a unique vintage pink motorcycle.

He recalled a moment when he came across a paparazzi photo of himself in which he had his shirt pulled up to cover the lower part of his face, leaving the rest of him exposed. “Even then, you’re not evading anything. It’s still unmistakably me.” Holding up his arm adorned with a half sleeve of triangle-patterned tattoos, he acknowledges it’s an easily recognizable feature.

Jason Momoa’s Anonymous Oasis

However, there was one location that granted him the luxury of blending into the crowd. “You know when I managed to pull it off? I was in Jordan, and you have to be completely wrapped and covered up,” he told People, mimicking the attire with long sleeves and head and face coverings that he wore in the Middle Eastern country while filming for the 2021 movie Dune.

“It was incredible. No one recognized me. I was standing right next to people, and it was fantastic,” he reminisces. He almost jeopardized his own incognito status at one point. “A bit of my tattoo peeked through, and I saw someone like…” He raises his eyebrows, “and I was like…” He slowly places one finger over his mouth in a shhh gesture. Fortunately, they heeded his silent warning.

In his upcoming show On the Roam, Jason Momoa’s travel persona takes center stage, far from being under the radar. “It’s me on the road doing all the things that I love and exploring the things I’ve never done in my life but have always wanted to do,” he explained.

The eight episodes do not adhere to a fixed formula; instead, they meander in a manner that reflects Momoa’s spontaneous travel style. “Each episode just evolves into its own unique experience. Some of them even turn into impromptu therapy sessions,” he revealed.