Through the words of actress Courtney Love, the public was surprised by little-known stories surrounding two famous Hollywood actors – Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp.

Brad Pitt was exposed

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Brad Pitt in his youth (Photo: Page Six).

Actress Courtney Love (58 years old) just shared about losing her role in the movie “Fight Club” (Fighting Club – 1999) just because she offended actor Brad Pitt (59 years old). Sharing in a recent interview, Courtney Love said that before she lost her role in “Fight Club”, Love was approached quite a lot by Brad Pitt.

At that time, actor Brad Pitt wanted to make a biographical film about singer Kurt Cobain – Courtney Love’s late husband. However, Love did not respond to Pitt’s plan.

When the late artist’s relatives did not support the idea of ​​making a biographical film, the film project easily caused controversy, so Brad Pitt was forced to put this wish on hold. This is what caused Love to lose the role of Marla Singer in “Fight Club”. The role was then given to actress Helena Bonham Carter.

Sharing in a recent interview, Love said: “I do not agree to let Brad Pitt and director Gus Van Sant make a biopic about Kurt Cobain, so Brad does not have the opportunity to play Kurt. I very straightforward and decisive.

I asserted that if they couldn’t understand me during the conversation, then they couldn’t understand Kurt either. And during the conversation, I really didn’t feel like Brad Pitt understood me, so I didn’t agree to let him make a movie about Kurt Cobain.”

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Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain when they were still together (Photo: Page Six).

Right after that, Love auditioned for the role of Marla Singer – a supporting female role in the movie “Fight Club”. If given the role, she will have scenes with Pitt. The role was eventually given to actress Helena Bonham Carter. From Love’s perspective, she believed that she lost the role because she had previously offended the film’s male lead – actor Brad Pitt.

However, in response to Love’s attention-grabbing statement, an anonymous source quickly shared with news outlet Variety that the truth was that Love had not been chosen for the role: “She couldn’t say that she lost the role, when in fact the role was never given to her.”

In response to the anonymous counter-information, singer-actress Courtney Love made a rather long post on social networks to confirm that what she said was completely true.

According to Love, things didn’t stop after the movie “Fight Club”: “Brad Pitt continues to stalk me so he can make a movie about Kurt Cobain. We had an online conversation in 2020 . Pitt still wants to be able to make a movie about Kurt Cobain through his film company.”

According to Love, in the conversation in 2020, she continued to refuse Brad Pitt again. Love’s feeling after these contacts was that she was not listened to and her opinions seemed to be ignored.

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Brad Pitt currently (Photo: Page Six).

The reason Love shares this story at the present time is because she believes that Brad Pitt will not give up the idea of ​​making a movie about Kurt Cobain, Pitt will still approach Love. Love believes that her telling this story publicly will make Pitt stop that idea.

Love affirmed that she had no intention of being aggressive towards Pitt: “I don’t want Pitt to feel uncomfortable about me. I just want him to do things better. I don’t attack anyone. Regarding Brad Pitt, I I just hope good things will come to him, honestly.”

Love asserted that she was interested in Pitt’s roles and rated him highly as a movie star, but she did not think he was suitable as a biopic producer.

In Courtney Love’s life, she married singer Kurt Cobain in 1992, and they have a daughter together. The marriage ended when Kurt Cobain passed away in 1994.

Johnny Depp scores

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Young Johnny Depp (Photo: Page Six).

Courtney Love shows herself to be someone who is not afraid to make startling statements. Last May, when actor Johnny Depp (59 years old) was pursuing a lawsuit against his ex-wife Amber Heard, Courtney Love made a post that surprised many people about Depp.

At that time, Love told the story of how Depp ran to her aid when she suffered a drug overdose at a nightclub. At that time, Love’s husband, singer Kurt Cobain, had just passed away by suicide. Love was in a period of depression and had no control over her life.

Sharing in a video clip posted on social networks, Courtney Love said: “I don’t want to make judgments or comments publicly. I just want to tell you a story that Johnny has advanced. performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on me in 1995, when he witnessed me suffering from drug overdose outside a nightclub.”

The fact that Johnny Depp quickly ran to help and provided first aid on the spot helped Love overcome the critical situation.

Later, Johnny Depp also had a period of regularly caring for and helping Courtney Love’s daughter – Frances Bean Cobain (currently 29 years old). Love shared that on Frances Bean’s 13th birthday, Johnny Depp wrote her a long letter, because Johnny Depp knew that at that stage, Frances Bean’s life was having many problems.

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Young Courtney Love (Photo: Page Six).

The girl grew up without her father, and her mother still has not escaped the spiral of addiction. Although Johnny Depp is not really familiar with mother and daughter Courtney Love, he still cares for the disadvantaged girl Frances Bean.

Courtney Love said: “When I was in a period of turmoil, and Frances was suffering from the consequences of that, in the midst of that confusion and turmoil, Johnny Depp wrote a 4-page letter to his daughter. My daughter, she never showed me that letter, I only knew that the letter existed.

I also learned that Johnny Depp once drove a car to Frances Bean’s school to take Frances and her friends to see the premiere of the new “Pirates of the Caribbean” movie. These things were completely planned by Johnny’s side. He did not discuss anything with me and never mentioned these things to me.

He arranged for my daughter to go to early movie screenings, asking for a reserved seat for Frances with a sign with my daughter’s name taped to the back of the seat. I’ve never seen Johnny’s movies, but Frances likes the “Pirates of the Caribbean” series in which he stars. My daughter told me that it was Johnny who saved her life, Frances said that several times.”

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Current Courtney Love (Photo: Page Six).

When sharing this story, Courtney Love said she wanted to show support for Johnny Depp, but she still had sympathy for Amber Heard – Depp’s ex-wife: “I was once a woman who was overweight. hate, when my husband fell into addiction, had a psychological breakdown and committed suicide. I understand the bad mood when I am the one who is hated and blamed by everyone.

Therefore, I have sympathy for Amber in the present. Can you imagine yourself in her position? That will make you feel really bad.”