Johnny Depp just opened up about his difficult time after breaking up with his ex-wife Amber Heard.

Sharing with Rolling Stone magazine, Johnny Depp just opened up about his current bad life after divorcing his ex-wife Amber Heard, as well as the messy lawsuits he is involved in. All events happened at the same time, causing the actor to fall into depression and turn to drugs.

Johnny Depp shocked when he revealed his life of addiction after divorcing Amber, spending more than 680 million each month on alcohol - Photo 1.

Johnny Depp with ex-wife Amber Heard.

Johnny expressed: “My mood was at the worst level imaginable. I couldn’t stand that pain every day.” To cope with difficult emotions, the actor said he practiced writing his memoirs with a typewriter.

Johnny said: “Every morning, I pour myself a glass of vodka and start writing until my eyes fill with tears and I can’t see the page anymore. I always try to understand what I did to deserve it.” I have treated everyone well, helped everyone, and been sincere with everyone. For me, honesty is the most important thing, but these bad things still happen I”.

Johnny Depp shocked when he revealed his life of addiction after divorcing Amber, spending more than 680 million each month on alcohol - Photo 2.

Johnny Depp appeared pale recently.

Johnny Depp also went public about his love of using the addictive drug quaaludes, but they were banned, causing Johnny to try to find smuggled pills:

“They are made from arsenic, or strychnine. Therefore, you “fly” almost immediately. Then you just want to laugh, have fun with your friends, make love or fight.”

In the lawsuit filed by the former managers, they also accused Johnny Depp of spending so freely that he spent 30,000 USD (680 million VND) each month on wine. But in a new interview, the actor corrected them: “It’s insulting to say I spent $30,000 on alcohol, because the actual number is even larger.”

Johnny Depp shocked when he revealed his life of addiction after divorcing Amber, spending more than 680 million each month on alcohol - Photo 3.

Currently, Johnny Depp is still in a legal dispute with his former management company The Mandel Co. when he sued his former managers for ineffective management of his assets, causing him to lose tens of millions of dollars. Meanwhile, they filed a counter-lawsuit accusing Johnny of wasteful spending, leading to the destruction of almost all of his huge assets.

According to a new interview, Johnny Depp has lost most of his assets of 600 million USD (13,600 billion VND). He spoke emotionally about how his son learned about this through rumors from friends: “My son had to hear about his “old man” losing all his money from the children at school.”

The actor currently does not have many relatives by his side during difficult times. Previously, family members opposed Johnny’s marriage to Amber Heard. They warned him not to get married without a prenuptial property division contract. But Johnny Depp still decided to get married on his private island and cut ties with his family. The actor said he has been lonely for the past 2 years.