It’s so admirable that the actors of Game of Thrones have devoted themselves to their roles so much!

Game of Thrones has always been known as the “king ” of Hollywood television, with its blockbuster scale and stories that make many people lose sleep. This series also does not hesitate to “go to the end” with hot and violent scenes. In many scenes, the audience also witnessed the 100% nude actress’s face turn red.

Among the controversial sexual scenes of Game of Thrones , the most shocking scenes are probably in season 1, when the character Daenerys Tagaryen is forced to be the wife of Khal Drogo . Afterwards, Daenerys was raped by Khal Drogo, and later developed feelings for him.

The secret behind the most shocking hot scene of Game of Thrones: Why can't the female lead control herself and skip acting all day because she sees Jason Momoa's private parts? - Figure 1

In these first hot scenes , two actors, Emilia Clarke and Jason Momoa, had to endure violence to make love. The film takes many shots to reveal the actress’s entire chest, as well as Jason Momoa’s buttocks.

To “cover” his sensitive area, actor Jason Momoa and the Game of Thrones props team had to “use tricks”. They used a pink, fluffy sock to “dress” the actor’s sensitive part. That way, the scene from behind will look like he’s not wearing anything, and his co-stars and crew looking in front won’t see “that”.

The secret behind the most shocking hot scene of Game of Thrones: Why can't the female lead control herself and skip acting all day because she sees Jason Momoa's private parts? - Figure 2

The controversial rape scene in Game of Thrones made the female lead extremely worried

The reason behind this pink stocking is because Emilia Clarke was very worried about this revealing sex scene. Therefore, Jason Momoa decided to wear a funny accessory to relieve her stress. However, this colorful, fluffy pink sock also destroys the emotion of the scene.

Emilia Clarke recalled that after putting on that sock, Jason Momoa himself laughed so hard, she was also distracted and forgot everything that needed to be done. Because both main actors could not control themselves, the entire film crew had to postpone the filming that day.

The secret behind the most shocking hot scene of Game of Thrones: Why can't the female lead control herself and skip acting all day because she sees Jason Momoa's private parts? - Figure 3

Thought it was as emotional and memorable as it was on screen, it turns out that behind the scenes of this hot scene of Game of Thrones is extremely “silly”, both funny and awkward. It is admirable that the film’s actors were extremely professional and dedicated to their roles so that the audience could enjoy the epic and emotional blockbuster Game of Thrones 18.