The yoked movie star says he would rather ‘squat a car’ than do yoga—but he doesn’t lift much, either. Here’s what he does instead.

When it comes to Hollywood superhero types, there are few stars that fit the bill better than Jason Momoa. Before playing jacked-up comic book figures like Aquaman or embodying the modern reboot of Conan the Barbarian, the actor already boasted an extraordinary physique. Unlike some of his contemporaries, however, there was little need for a transformation once he got these roles. Momoa has always been a physical specimen.

That presence is all natural, according to Momoa. “It’s just genetics,” he says in an interview for the latest Men’s Health cover story. “Hawaiians are big people.”

You won’t catch him logging hours in the weight room, like fellow perpetually supersized action hero Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. In fact, Momoa avoids traditional strength training practices on principle, and he calls weightlifting “challenging.” He prefers to hone his strength and stay fit with outdoor activities like rock climbing.

You’d be just about as hard-pressed to find Momoa in a yoga studio. He called yoga “the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life.” “I’d rather squat a car,” he says. “Climbing El Capitan would be easier than doing two hours of yoga. I can’t bend over anymore! My hamstrings are so tight. It’s pathetic. I remember one time I was all yoked out for Conan the Barbarian, and I was in a yoga class with these older ladies in Topanga and everyone was just holding their arms up and I was like, [screams] ‘This is so hard!’”

How You Can Stay in Shape Without Weights Like Jason Momoa

You don’t need the weight room to build action hero strength, and Jason Momoa is proof of that. His weight room hate is legendary, which is why he built his Dune body far from the gym, relying on these real-world activities. They can be the perfect antidote to boring curls and bench presses, so give them a try.




“As a Hawaiian, surfing is in his blood,” says Kim Fardy, Momoa’s friend and stunt double. Momoa likes to surf and paddleboard. The benefit is that paddleboarding challenges your balance and core strength while also serving as an “active recovery tool,” says Fardy.




One of Momoa’s goals is to do more yoga and Pilates, which help with the flexibility he needs to do fight scenes. “I’m gonna call it extreme stretching,” he says. “Like,‘ All right, guys, there’s the beer! Pick it up! Now reach over here and give that beer to your buddy!’”

Rock Climbing



Momoa climbs as much as possible. Just 10 to 20 minutes of climbing or bouldering can fire up your forearm and back muscles, and your mind gets a workout, too.“It’s the mental game,” says Fardy, “of figuring out different problems to reach your goals.”

Bodyweight Training



Why do bench presses and deadlifts when pushups and bodyweight squats work just fine? “He can train anywhere,” says Fardy, “even between takes on set without access to a gym.” Try doing 100 pushups between work calls and emails. Enjoy the burn.