Jason Momoa lookalike Ian Wills posing for a photo with Jason Momoa

The likeness between the real Jason Momoa (L) and his lookalike is uncanny (Picture: Kennedy News and Media)

If you think you saw Hollywood icon Jason Momoa enjoying a stroll in the West Midlands, it might actually have been Wolverhampton postman Ian Wills just trying to enjoy his day.

‌The 52-year-old says he is regularly stopped and asked for selfies and autographs when out and about after being mistaken for the Aquaman actor, with some even wanting to stroke his hair.

Ian said he even stunned Jason himself when he caught sight of him at London Comic Con in 2019, with the Hollywood heartthrob apparently stopping, tilting his head and exclaiming ‘woah’ – declaring he ‘could be my stunt double’.

‌’I do get mistaken for Jason Momoa in the street a lot – in the most bizarre of places,’ he said.

‌’90% of people who stop me in the street are women. Shopping in Primark, some people will follow you around. My wife will look at me and go “Oh God we’ve got another one”.’

‌He went on to say that his wife, 44-year-old NHS worker Claire Edwards-Wills, doesn’t like it when women want to touch his hair and that he has brought her along to shows with his Deep Purple tribute act as ‘backup’.

Jason Momoa lookalike Ian Wills

Ian Wills even stunned Jason himself when the two met in 2019 (Picture: Kennedy News and Media)

Jason Momoa lookalike Ian Wills with his wife Claire

His wife Claire has said she doesn’t understand why people want to touch her husband’s hair and have selfies with the doppelganger (Picture: Kennedy News and Media)

Jason Momoa on the red carpet

Ian has even had to bring his wife as backup to gigs with his band to ward off ‘touchy-feely’ women(Picture: Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

Claire says that women in some parts of the country are worse than others and claims she has to attend gigs in Wales with him as ‘back-up’ due to the ‘lechy and touchy-feely’ Welsh women.

‘It’s just part and parcel of things now. It can be strange at times because if we go to get some shopping he’ll get stopped,’ she said.

‘We’ve had people shouting across the supermarket in Aldi and Tesco going “oh my God look who he looks like” so it can be a bit embarrassing. He gets it quite a lot.

‌’Sometimes I just leave him to it and I carry on doing the weekly shop. It’s happened in other shops too, he’s not going to be in Primark in Dudley is he?

‌’I don’t like people touching him. It’s happened when we’ve been on a night out, we’ve gone to a gig, and people say “Oh you look like him, can I have a photo?” and I’m like “It’s our night out”.’

‘Sometimes I wish people wouldn’t do that but I understand. For me he’s my husband, he’s just a normal guy. If he was famous maybe I’d get it a bit more but he’s not.’

Jason Momoa lookalike Ian Wills in his Royal Mail uniform

The postman also works as a Jason lookalike (Picture: Kennedy News and Media)

Jason Momoa

It was Ian’s aunt who first pointed out her nephew’s resemblance to the Hollywood star (Picture: Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images)

‌One of Ian’s friends also works as a lookalike and suggested he could make money as the Dune star’s doppelganger prompting him to sign up with a lookalike agency in 2020 just before Covid hit.

Such is his dedication to convincing folk he’s the real deal, the dad-of-three even went under the needle and had the star’s iconic shark teeth inked onto his left arm.

Ian said it was his aunt who first noticed the similarity to the Baywatch actor seven years ago when she watched Stargate Atlantis.

After catching an episode on TV and spotting how similar they looked, Ian joked his parents ‘weren’t telling him something’.

‘Just after that I was doing gigs around the country and people started talking to me in the street saying “You look like Jason Momoa” and making comments at gigs saying I looked like Aquaman,’ he recalled.

The couple went to Comic Con in London in 2019 so Ian could get a snap with his famous lookalike, duping many fans who flocked around him demanding selfies and autographs.

Jason Momoa lookalike Ian Wills dressed as Aquaman

Ian and Claire attending London Comic Con in 2019 so he could meet Jason (Picture: Kennedy News/PaulMeadowsPhoto)

Jason Momoa lookalike Ian Wills dressed as Aquaman

Ian said the actor remarked that he could be his stunt double (Picture: Kennedy News and Media)

‘When I met him [in passing] he just looked at me, stopped, tilted his head and went “woah”,’ he said of meeting Jason Momoa at the event.

‘When I saw him 20 minutes later to get an autograph he said “Man you could be my stunt double”. I said “Yes please”.’

After getting this response from the Game of Thrones actor as well as fans, Ian decided to take the plunge, sign up to an agency and take bookings for sports events and birthday parties.

Fans can either book Ian as Jason Momoa or as action superhero Aquaman, where he’ll attend donning his £500 custom-made suit.

‌’I’ve been a musician since I was a young lad but when you’re playing on stage with a group of guys you feel protected by that,’ he said.

‌’When you do the lookalike work people are coming to see you because they think you look like someone else, it’s a bit of a bizarre feeling.

Jason Momoa lookalike Ian Wills next to a poster of Jason Momoa

Fans at London Comic Con accosted Ian to sign autographs and pose for pictures (Picture: Kennedy News and Media)

Jason Momoa

While sometimes confused by the attention, Ian has enjoyed bringing joy to people through his work as a lookalike (Picture: Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images for Warner Bros.)
‘I can do the American accent. It can be tricky but he’s got a very interesting dialect and a deep voice, which is similar to mine.