From a troubled career, actor Johnny Depp is gradually regaining public sympathy. Currently, Depp is the man with feverish love stories in… court.

“Once truly loved, will always love”: Netizens are crazy about Kate Moss and Johnny Depp

The online community is feverish with speculation that actor Johnny Depp and supermodel Kate Moss will eventually get back together, because they continue to have sympathy and support for each other, after nearly 25 years of separation. year.

At the trial of the lawsuit between actor Johnny Depp and his ex-wife – actress Amber Heard, Amber Heard raised suspicions that Depp’s ex-girlfriend – supermodel Kate Moss may have also suffered violence. physically, while Moss was still in a relationship with Depp.

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Actor Johnny Depp and supermodel Kate Moss in their youth (Photo: Daily Mail).

Immediately after her name was mentioned by Amber Heard’s side during the trial, Kate Moss immediately agreed to give testimony online in court. Kate Moss’s testimony was beneficial for Johnny Depp, because she affirmed that during her relationship with Depp, she was not abused as suspected by Amber Heard.

In addition, netizens noticed that Johnny Depp’s face became “bright” when he saw his ex-girlfriend appear on the screen, giving online testimony in court.

Netizens also believe that, for Kate Moss – a supermodel with a discreet lifestyle who always avoids making statements about her private life, her agreement to testify in Johnny Depp’s stalking lawsuit is a substitute for her. because she chose to stay silent, showing that she still truly cares for and supports Depp, even though their relationship ended more than two decades ago.

The fact that Kate Moss quickly agreed to testify in court to help her ex-lover, despite her very discreet lifestyle, made netizens believe that this was an expression of the true love that once existed between them. two people.

Supermodel Kate Moss has always avoided interviews and questions going deep into her personal life. She almost never shares about her personal life in the present, perhaps she only shares about things that have happened. came out many years ago.

Therefore, Kate Moss’s choice to appear in court, accepting that she will attract attention and comments from the media and the public, shows the great sympathy that Kate Moss still has for her ex-boyfriend Johnny Depp.

Kate Moss (48 years old) and Johnny Depp (58 years old) were together during the peak of their performance. They were together from 1994 to 1998, when both were still young and working together. famous and sought after.

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Kate Moss (48 years old) and Johnny Depp (58 years old) were together during their peak performance, they were together from 1994 – 1998 (Photo: Daily Mail).

Netizens believe that Kate Moss’s recent move to support her ex-boyfriend will rekindle the good feelings that once existed between Depp and Moss.

Many netizens commented that after more than two decades of separation, Depp and Moss are still willing to support each other when possible, this shows that once they truly love, the good feelings between the two will remain forever. forever.

The American actor and the British supermodel were once considered an iconic couple of the international entertainment industry in the 1990s. Later, Kate Moss admitted that after breaking up with Johnny Depp, she had a crush on Johnny Depp. felt miserable for several years before being able to get over it.

Kate Moss’s appearance in court happened very quickly, she only appeared to confirm that Johnny Depp did not commit violence against her when the two were still in a relationship. Although Kate Moss’s appearance only took place on screen for a few minutes, it was still an exciting “explosion” for those who have been following the pending lawsuit between Depp and Heard recently.

In the past, Johnny Depp was the one who suggested breaking up with Kate Moss, because he felt he needed to focus more on his acting career. However, after many years have passed, Kate Moss shows that she has no resentment towards Johnny Depp because that day, he chose work over love for her.

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Depp and Moss both had to suppress their laughter in court (Photo: Daily Mail).

In fact, both Depp and Moss had to suppress their laughter in court, when Kate Moss had to recall a little about the love story that had existed between her and Depp, to confirm in court that she was indeed qualified to testify. give valuable testimony.

Seeing the pleasant and happy expressions that both Depp and Moss showed during the trial, netizens said that the two still have many beautiful feelings for each other, and many people hope that Depp and Moss will be able to reunite soon. .. dating again.

A netizen humorously commented: “Do we need to file a petition asking Kate Moss and Johnny Depp to date again?”.

Another person commented: “This is true love. In the past, they may not have been the right choice for each other, that’s normal, when each person was young and still needed to find understand more about life, about yourself. But there’s nothing more beautiful than seeing the beautiful afterglow that still lingers on both sides after many years. Once truly loved, will always be loved!

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Depp and Moss started dating after they first met at a cafe in New York (USA) (Photo: Daily Mail).

Depp and Moss started dating after they first met at a cafe in New York (USA) when they were both at the peak of their fame. In 2012, Kate Moss gave an interview about her love story with Depp: “No one can take care of me like Johnny Depp. I always believe in what he says.

For example, when I ask him what I should do in a particular situation, he will give me some ideas. That’s what I miss so much about this relationship. I lost someone I could truly trust. It was a nightmare. There were a few years where I always cried bitterly every time I thought about him.”

For his part, Johnny Depp once shared in an interview why their love story stopped. Depp said that at that stage, he had many difficulties balancing his busy work schedule and his love affair with Kate Moss: “I have never had so many feelings for a woman. and that greatly affected my acting ability.

I was stupid to give up that love story, because I really had too many things in that relationship. I am the one responsible for what happened. It was very difficult for me to get over that breakup, but I decided to prioritize work and no longer give her the attention she deserved. Thinking back on everything is crazy, because I shouldn’t have put so much effort into my work.

I shouldn’t care too much about people’s opinions about my work. I should still care about roles and movies, but when I get home, I should temporarily forget about those things. I couldn’t do that and I started to feel terrible, to the point of being unbearable. Sometimes, I become such an unbelievable idiot.”

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Johnny Depp watched Kate Moss give online testimony in court (Photo: Daily Mail).

It’s unclear whether Depp and Moss will still maintain their friendship after this, but they have not appeared together publicly since their breakup in 1998.

According to some sources, Amber Heard believes that Kate Moss will stand by her side if Moss decides to speak up, but if Kate Moss stays silent in her usual style, it will not cause any harm to her. Amber Heard before the trial, but it turned out that Heard’s speculations were completely wrong, Kate Moss spoke up and she… supported Depp.

In fact, currently, Kate Moss is dating photographer Nikolai von Bismarck. The possibility of Moss and Depp quickly getting back together as expected by the online community will be unlikely in the near future.

The rumored love story between Johnny Depp and the female defense lawyer

Recently, the warm gestures between Hollywood actor – Johnny Depp and female lawyer Camille Vasquez became hot news that attracted the attention of the media and the public. Vasquez is a member of the lawyer team defending Johnny Depp in the lawsuit that the actor is pursuing.

Ms. Vasquez began to attract attention after standing up to question Johnny Depp’s ex-wife – actress Amber Heard. Vasquez’s sharp and effective questioning style made a strong impression on the public following this lawsuit.

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Recently, the warm gestures between Hollywood actor Johnny Depp and female lawyer Camille Vasquez became hot news (Photo: Daily Mail).

But for client Johnny Depp (58 years old), female lawyer Camille Vasquez (37 years old) appears to be very soft, friendly, and sweet. The nature of the relationship between Depp and Vasquez is something the public is very interested in.

British behavior analyst Judi James gave an interview to a number of news outlets, claiming that the sweet interactions between Depp and Vasquez were just a planned move, to The sweet, emotional, and romantic aspects of Depp are promoted to help the actor create a more positive impression on the media and the public.

For a public star like Johnny Depp, winning in the “court of public opinion” and receiving public sympathy is also very important. This will have a huge impact on Depp’s name, image and future career in Hollywood.

The lawsuit between Depp and Heard in the past few years has greatly affected both of their images, with too many shocking aspects of their private lives exposed to the public. How to regain public sympathy for them is a difficult problem for both Depp and Heard at present.

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These sweet public moves make many people believe that there is a love story between Depp and Vasquez (Photo: Daily Mail).

At the trial, female lawyer Vasquez repeatedly smiled sweetly and encouraged Depp, giving him warm hugs when the trial ended.

These sweet public moves made many people believe that there was a love story between Depp and Vasquez, but both sides absolutely avoided questions posed by the media about whether they had any “off-public” relationship. work” no.

In particular, female lawyer Vasquez only smiled happily and decided to appear mysterious in response to the “outside” question that the reporter posed to her, while she could have given a short and concise answer. definitely.

In fact, Vasquez is most likely cooperating in a “romantic play”, to bring the best interests of the client she is protecting.

The sweet, warm details between Depp and Vasquez will help Depp’s image in this tiring, stalking lawsuit become “softer”, more interesting, and even remind the public of Johnny Depp. Rich, talented actor, once “captured” women’s hearts through attractive roles on the silver screen.

Behavioral analyst Judi James commented: “The actions between Depp and Vasquez in front of the camera may seem flirtatious, but that is the crux of the issue they are getting at. A photo are worth a thousand words, they don’t need to say anything, but the photos clearly have us talking about sweet, romantic things.

A female lawyer like Vasquez will always act in court space with a clear purpose, not accidentally, spontaneously, or shockingly. Her actions make Depp seem more romantic, sweet, and attractive. For those who have been following the lawsuit and have sympathy for Depp, witnessing Vasquez’s sweet actions towards him will make them even more sympathetic towards Depp.”

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Female lawyer Vasquez and the team of lawyers defending Depp knew very well that the gestures of Vasquez and Depp would be recorded by reporters (Photo: Daily Mail).

Female lawyer Vasquez and Depp’s defense team knew very well that Vasquez and Depp’s gestures would be recorded by reporters and appear all over the news. Expert Judi James believes that this is a move that was clearly planned in advance.

The trial between two real-life Hollywood stars is not only a win or loss based on the judge’s decision, but also a battle to win public support. In fact, both Heard and Depp are making every effort to not only win in court, but also win in the hearts of the public.

As for Depp, he also responded to the kindness of female lawyer Vasquez, he pulled out a chair for her to sit in, whispered a few things in her ear…

These actions made Johnny Depp more gentle, polite, and attractive, completely contrary to Heard’s portrayal in court, that he was an eccentric, violent man.

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Johnny Depp caused a fever with a series of love stories in… court (Photo: Daily Mail).

Furthermore, the fact that the lawyer defending Johnny Depp sent Ms. Vasquez to question Amber Heard was also a calculated move. Having a female lawyer question Amber Heard will make the public feel that things are “softer”, compared to having a male lawyer take on that task.

In fact, Vasquez had very sharp, very effective questioning and had an impact both inside and outside the trial. For example, she made Amber Heard admit that for many reasons, Heard has not yet donated to charity all the compensation money after her divorce from Johnny Depp, as Amber Heard herself had previously stated.

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Following the lawsuit between Depp and Heard throughout, one can see that they are truly a couple with “deep love” (Photo: Daily Mail).

After meeting on the set of the movie “Rum Diaries” in 2009, Amber Heard and Johnny Depp began to stir up dating rumors in 2011. Johnny Depp (58 years old) and Amber Heard (36 years old) got married in 2011. In 2015, they lived in marriage for a year when Heard filed for divorce. Since then, the two have continuously gone through long lawsuits.

Depp believes that Heard defamed his reputation by intentionally portraying him to the media as a domestic abuser. Therefore, he determined to pursue litigation to regain his damaged image. Amber Heard also countersued because she claimed that she herself had been greatly harmed by Depp.

Following the lawsuit between Depp and Heard throughout, it can be seen that they are truly a “deeply in love” couple, “some eight ounces, some half a pound”, married for a year, but divorced more than 5 years ago. years have not been able to stop the litigation.

Who will win in court to receive a huge amount of compensation? Who will be welcomed back by the public to continue their career in Hollywood? Those are unpredictable results. We will all have to watch until the very end of the trial, as well as many more years to come in Hollywood.