In a bold move that has sent shockwaves throughout Hollywood, acclaimed comedian Monique has stepped forward to shed light on the injustices and exploitation faced by black talent in the entertainment industry.

In a series of interviews and statements, Monique has called out prominent figures like Tyler Perry and TD Jakes, revealing a disturbing pattern of exploitation and inequality that has long been swept under the rug.

JUST NOW: Monique Uncovers TD Jakes and Tyler Perry's Hollywood Agenda! - YouTube

Monique’s expose began with allegations against Tyler Perry, the celebrated filmmaker and producer known for his successful film and television projects. In an interview with Comedy Hype, Monique disclosed her experiences with Perry, accusing him of attempting to pressure her into working for free and engaging in coercive tactics.

She recounted a meeting at the Hoodie Awards where Perry allegedly tried to exploit her by offering future projects with promises of substantial earnings, despite her not receiving proper compensation for her current work.

The comedian also shared insights into her time working on the acclaimed film “Precious,” where Perry served as an executive producer. Monique revealed that she faced pressure from Perry and others involved in the project to participate in promotional activities without fair compensation.

Despite Perry’s claims of paying actress Taraji P. Henson the highest salary she had ever received, Monique questioned the fairness of his practices, highlighting the pervasive undervaluation of black women in the industry.

Monique’s revelations extended beyond her experiences with Perry to include allegations against TD Jakes, the renowned pastor and spiritual leader. She accused Jakes of collaborating with Perry to uphold their public image while disregarding the welfare of black talent.

Monique criticized Jakes for his silence and lack of support in addressing the injustices faced by actors like herself, highlighting a disconnect between his humanitarian efforts and his actions within the industry.

The comedian’s statements have sparked a fervent debate within Hollywood and among fans, with many expressing support for her courage in speaking out against injustice. Monique’s revelations have raised important questions about the treatment of black talent in the entertainment industry and the role of influential figures in perpetuating systemic inequalities.

In response to Monique’s allegations, both Perry and Jakes have remained largely silent, prompting further scrutiny and speculation. The lack of accountability from these prominent figures has only fueled the public’s demand for transparency and accountability in Hollywood.

As Monique continues to advocate for change and accountability in the entertainment industry, her revelations serve as a wake-up call for Hollywood to address the systemic issues of exploitation and inequality that have long plagued the industry.

Whether her efforts will lead to meaningful change remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: Monique’s courage in speaking truth to power has ignited a long-overdue conversation about justice and fairness in Hollywood.