In the heart of Cusco, Peru, nestled within the ancient Qorikancha complex, lies a fascinating testament to the advanced engineering prowess of the Inca civilization. Here, archaeologists have uncovered meticulously angled drill holes adorning the stone walls of the Door of the Moon Temple, showcasing the innovative spirit of the Incas over half a millennium ago.

Qorikancha: A Sacred and Astronomical Epicenter

Qorikancha, also known as the Temple of the Sun, was the spiritual and religious nucleus of the Inca Empire. Dedicated to the sun deity Inti, the complex was a focal point for religious and astronomical pursuits, reflecting the Incas’ profound understanding of the cosmos. The architectural layout of the complex embodies a harmonious blend of spiritual and cosmic resonance, with structures meticulously aligned to celestial occurrences.

The Mystery of the Drill Holes

Amidst the intricately constructed stone walls of the Door of the Moon Temple, archaeologists have discovered a series of precisely angled drill holes. These apertures, ingeniously fashioned without mortar, serve as a vivid testament to the engineering ingenuity of the Incas. Despite the primitive tools available at the time—primarily made of bronze or stone—the Incas managed to craft these perforations with remarkable precision.


Key Observations:

Meticulous Angles: The drill holes were crafted at meticulously calculated angles, highlighting the Incas’ advanced understanding of geometry and engineering.
Seamless Stone Construction: The stones were fit together seamlessly, without the use of mortar, emphasizing the architectural precision of the Inca builders.
Ongoing Scholarly Debate: The exact purpose of these holes remains a topic of scholarly debate. While some believe they served structural purposes, others suggest ceremonial significance, possibly aligning with celestial events.

Theories Behind the Function of the Drill Holes

1. Structural Support:

Some archaeologists suggest that the drill holes may have served a structural purpose, helping secure additional architectural elements such as wooden beams, door hinges, or ceremonial decorations.

2. Astronomical Alignment:

The Incas were known for their sophisticated astronomical knowledge. It’s possible that the drill holes were used to mark significant celestial events or align with solar or lunar cycles, particularly since the temple is dedicated to the Moon goddess Mama Killa.

3. Ceremonial Significance:

Given the spiritual importance of Qorikancha, the drill holes could have held ceremonial items or offerings, perhaps symbolizing a cosmic connection between the heavens and the Earth.

Legacy of Inca Architectural Innovation

The discovery of these drill holes within the Qorikancha complex offers a glimpse into the ingenuity of the Inca civilization. Their mastery of stonework, achieved using rudimentary tools, continues to astound scholars and visitors alike. The ability to create precisely angled drill holes, align structures with celestial bodies, and fit stones together without mortar exemplifies their architectural brilliance.

Qorikancha Today: A Testament to Ancient Ingenuity

Though much of the original Qorikancha complex was destroyed following the Spanish conquest, the site remains a testament to ancient ingenuity. The colonial Church of Santo Domingo now stands atop the ruins, yet the stone walls of Qorikancha, adorned with enigmatic drill holes, endure as a striking reminder of the Inca civilization’s legacy.

Visitor Information:

Location: Avenida El Sol, Cusco, Peru
Hours: Monday to Saturday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.; Sunday, 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Admission: Entrance fees apply (discounts available for children, students, and seniors)


The precisely angled drill holes at the Door of the Moon Temple in Qorikancha embody the advanced engineering prowess of the Inca civilization. Their intended purpose may remain shrouded in mystery, but they stand as a testament to the ancient Incas’ profound understanding of architecture, astronomy, and spirituality. The Qorikancha complex continues to captivate admirers today, offering a timeless window into the incredible ingenuity of one of history’s greatest civilizations.