Proxima b: a new claim for extraterrestrial life - Orbital Today

Researchers have established the presence of a second Earth in the Proxima Centauri System. Like our own planet, it is believed to harbor oceans and possibly extraterrestrial life. While thousands of exoplanets have been discovered throughout the cosmos, none compare to Proxima B.

Proxima B, as it has been named, holds significant promise: it is likely rocky, slightly larger than Earth, and orbits its star at a distance conducive to the existence of liquid water on its surface. Situated just four light-years from Earth, or over 25 trillion miles away, reaching Proxima B in the near future would require the invention of a super-fast spaceship capable of traveling to the next Centauri System.

This is Proxima b, the closest exoplanet to Earth being 4 light years away  from us. : r/spaceporn

If Proxima B indeed proves to be a “second Earth,” it could become one of the most enticing prospects for human colonization in the future. Scientists estimate the surface temperature of the planet to range between -90 and 30 degrees Celsius, offering potentially habitable conditions.

Experts believe Proxima B presents one of our best chances yet to directly detect evidence of alien life beyond our solar system. Positioned at an ideal distance from its host star for liquid water to exist, the likelihood of life as we know it thriving there is high.

Proxima B stands as the nearest exoplanet we’ve identified, with astronomers considering a journey to seek evidence of life potentially feasible within our lifetimes. While the distance between our planet and Proxima B may seem daunting, it pales in comparison to distances to other contenders for extraterrestrial life. Thus, Proxima B could mark humanity’s first interstellar destination in the future.