Former NBA star Jay Williams recently made a bold remark and questioned the leadership qualities of the Golden State Warriors ace Stephen Curry. He blamed Draymond Green and his erratic behavior for a weak image of Steph.

Williams’ statements were not received greatly by the fans in the community. However, his words carried some truth behind them. The behavior of Green may not cost Steph individually but is harming his entire team.

Steph Curry Gets Emotional After Draymond Green Gets Ejected Again

Stephen Curry’s leadership in question for Draymond Green’s actions
Draymond Green’s actions have been getting out of hand recently and it might be costing Stephen Curry his image in the community and front of the fans. Former NBA player and now analyst Jay Williams blamed Draymond Green for tarnishing the legacy of Stephen Curry. He claimed that the violent outburst of the Warriors forward is changing the perception of Steph’s leadership among the fans.

Williams then added, “Draymond Green is diminishing the ultimate legacy of how the people look at the leadership of Stephen Curry. That is what happening right now.” He blamed Green for spoiling the legacy of Curry’s leadership that won the Warriors 4 rings.

WATCH: Stephen Curry in tears after Draymond Greens shocking ejection

Why did Steph Curry cry after Green’s ejection?
When Draymond Green got ejected early in the game against the Orlando Magic his team’s ace Stephen Curry was seen to be very frustrated. The baby-faced assassin was seen to be hiding his face inside his jersey and had teary eyes. It seemed like it was hard for him to carry on with Green’s antics in every other game.

Steph addressed his feelings at that moment after the game in a post-game interview “We need him, he knows all that, we all know that. So whatever it takes to just keep him on the floor. He will be available, that is what gotta happen. Especially at this point of the year,” said Steph. He highlighted the big role of Draymond Green and reminded him that the whole team needs him. Later on in the post-game interview, Curry focused on building up synergy with the team and explaining how tough the current season has been for his team.