These actors were once criticized by their co-stars for being dirty.

Being the world’s top actor doesn’t mean he’s perfect. There are many Hollywood superstar actors who have been “arrested” for bad qualities, causing unpleasant body odors and negatively affecting surrounding co-stars.

Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson himself – the handsome vampire of Twilight – admitted that he is very bad at taking care of himself, especially bathing. Many Twilight co-stars agree that Robert Pattinson’s body is often full of odor, stemming from him forgetting to shower or wearing the same outfit over and over until it gets dirty, or worse, both. Perhaps because of his intense focus on acting in recent years, Robert Pattinson has really lost his life balance? Luckily, after The Batman , there were no complaints about him from his co-stars or crew.

A series of famous actors are shunned for being dirty while filming: Johnny Depp and Robert Pattinson share a bad personality - Photo 1.

A series of famous actors are shunned for being dirty while filming: Johnny Depp and Robert Pattinson share a bad personality - Photo 2.

Zac Efron

To have a muscular six-pack body, Zac Efron went through a period of hard training and sweat. However, it is worth mentioning that after sacrificing her strength to practice, the High School Musical star rarely takes a shower. Screen Rant also affirmed that if the audience sees Zac Efron sweaty, windy and sunny on screen, then he definitely does not smell good. One time, the actor was even complained by his co-star for leaving his mouth full of the smell of tuna sandwiches before filming a kiss scene. Since then, Zac Efron has been extremely careful when filming intimate scenes with colleagues.

A series of famous actors are shunned for being dirty while filming: Johnny Depp and Robert Pattinson share a bad personality - Photo 3.

Johnny Depp

Even a famous actor like Johnny Depp is often complained about his dirty habits. The actor once haunted Angelina Jolie when he kissed her with a mouth full of the smell of alcohol in the movie The Tourist . To “punish” her colleague, the female star of Eternals asked him to use Listerine and mint candy. Not stopping there, Johnny Depp did not shower for many days and wore old clothes over and over again when participating in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean, making the crew and co-stars confused.

A series of famous actors are shunned for being dirty while filming: Johnny Depp and Robert Pattinson share a bad personality - Photo 4.

A series of famous actors are shunned for being dirty while filming: Johnny Depp and Robert Pattinson share a bad personality - Photo 5.

Brad Pitt

Another actor listed on Hollywood’s “dirty” list is Brad Pitt. “Mr. Smith” was revealed by co-star Eli Roth a secret when participating in the movie Inglourious Basterds , which is that the actor often wipes his body with wet baby wipes, instead of returning to his own car and showering. Luckily, Brad Pitt’s role in the movie is also often covered in mud, so not showering turns out to be… effective, reducing the work for the makeup team. The funny thing is that it was Brad Pitt who advised his ex-wife Angelina Jolie to eat a lot of mint candy because he thought her breath was not very fresh.

A series of famous actors are shunned for being dirty while filming: Johnny Depp and Robert Pattinson share a bad personality - Photo 6.

Clark Gables

The dirty habits of Hollywood actors are not a new thing, but have existed for a long time. Clark Gable – Gone With the Wind star also hid many “stinky” secrets on set. According to Vivien Leigh in an interview, Gable’s dental problems were quite serious, making the kiss scene between the two in Gone With the Wind extremely difficult. Because of severe gingivitis in 1933, Gable had no teeth left at the age of 32. That’s why he had chronic bad breath, causing a lot of trouble for himself and his co-stars.

A series of famous actors are shunned for being dirty while filming: Johnny Depp and Robert Pattinson share a bad personality - Photo 7.

A series of famous actors are shunned for being dirty while filming: Johnny Depp and Robert Pattinson share a bad personality - Photo 8.