From a teenage handsome man to a “magnet” that attracts the media, from a superstar to a scandalous Hollywood actor – that is the journey of actor Johnny Depp when he joined the movie business.

Describing Johnny Depp’s life and career as “brilliant” would almost be an understatement.

Johnny Depp 60 years old: Return to 'first love' rock'n'roll - Photo 1.

Johnny Depp at this year’s Cannes Film Festival

Depp – winner of the Golden Globe Award and multiple times nominated for an Oscar – has worked with many famous international directors, from John Waters to Tim Burton, from Emir Kusturica to Lasse Halström.

Depp is one of the most famous actors of his generation. However, in recent years, he has attracted attention for his actions away from the big screen and has always appeared in the headlines for many reasons.

Where Depp’s provocation in recent years has come from is unclear. But what is certain is that Depp – a fan of rock music, born in Kentucky on June 9, 1963 – seems to have internalized the role of eccentric rebel.

On the occasion of Depp’s 60th birthday, let’s look back at the milestone period in Johnny Depp’s career:

Phase 1: Poster boy, teenage handsome man

After small supporting roles in Nightmare on Elm Street and Platoon , the TV series 21 Jump Street on the American Fox channel was really a good start for Johnny Depp’s acting career.

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Childhood innocence: Depp in “Jump Street” from 1987

In 21 Jump Street , Depp played an unhinged undercover cop, and his role helped make the series a hit in America in the late 1980s.

And from an unknown actor, Depp became the teen idol of a generation.

However, Depp did not feel comfortable being a “poster boy” and years later, in interviews, he talked about how he was exhausted but could not leave the series because of its huge success. its.

Further enhancing his image as a young rebel, Depp appeared in Tom Petty’s 1993 hit music video – Into The Great Wide Open – in which he wore a leather jacket and drove a motorcycle. Bowl.

Stage 2: From television to serious movie actor

To avoid another experience like that with 21 Jump Street , Johnny Depp began choosing his roles more carefully in the years that followed.

Johnny Depp 60 years old: Return to 'first love' rock'n'roll - Photo 3.

“Edward Scissorhands” helped increase Depp’s fame as a Hollywood superstar

He doesn’t care whether a movie is successful or not; he wants to take on roles that are interesting and not stereotyped.

Depp’s calculations paid off, with the 1990s becoming the golden era of his career.

Edward Scissorhands (1990) marked the beginning of his extremely fruitful and creative collaboration with director Tim Burton – who seemed to create extremely perfect roles for Depp.

Sleepy Hollow (1999) and Sweeney Todd (2007) are other examples of great collaborations between two Hollywood eccentrics.

But Depp also demonstrated his diverse acting abilities in films such as Jim Jarmusch’s humorous and profound masterpiece Dead Man (1995).

Depp was then at the peak of his creative powers. He had two children with French actress and singer Vanessa Paradis, bought an entire village near St. Tropez (France) in 2001.

Although tabloids often reported on Depp’s alcoholism, fans forgave him for his mistakes.

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Johnny Depp as William Blake in “Dead Man” directed by Jim Jarmusch

However, some film critics expressed regret that Depp did not have much more to offer other than his eccentric personality.

Stage 3: A decade of peak but gradually losing attraction

With Pirates of the Caribbean (2003), Johnny Depp finally achieved great success.

Roles in high-grossing films have given Depp a luxurious life with luxury cars, large yachts, 40 staff…

It’s true that the way Depp transforms into the image of crazy pirate captain Jack Sparrow is both novel and ingenious.

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Depp in his most famous role – Captain Jack Sparrow

But with each sequel, the Captain Jack brand is increasingly eroded and can no longer create a storm of enthusiasm among the audience.

However, with his role as Sweeney Todd in Tim Burton’s film of the same name, Depp rebuffed the criticism – winning a Golden Globe for the role in 2008.

Stage 4: Immersed in tabloids

The years 2018 – 2022 mark a low period in Johnny Depp’s career.

He and his ex-wife Amber Heard got into a heated war of words in front of the international press.

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Johnny Depp in his court battle with Amber Heard

First in the tabloids, and finally in court. Their story revolves around violence in marriage, fights and unsavory details in their lives.

Some of the allegations against Depp are quite serious. Ultimately, he was acquitted of all three charges and the couple agreed to a settlement.

But a lot of discomfort remains. Depp lost roles, including Captain Jack and Gellert Grindelwald in the hit Fantastic Beasts film series .

Stage 5: Return to your passion for rock’n’roll

Long before pursuing acting, Johnny Depp had a great love affair that has accompanied him to this day.

The boy from Kentucky really wanted to be a rock star, like his idol Keith Richards and later friend Tom Petty.

Johnny Depp 60 years old: Return to 'first love' rock'n'roll - Photo 8.

Depp has rekindled his love of rock music in recent years

Along with an all-star band including Alice Cooper, Johnny Depp is currently playing in the band Hollywood Vampires and touring Europe.

Time will tell how Johnny Depp’s life will develop and what stage his career will take as he enters his 7th decade.