The Strategy of Election Deniers: A Look Inside the Tactics of Maga Operatives

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In the intricate dance of American democracy, a new player has emerged, operating in the shadows to disrupt the electoral process. Meet the Election Integrity Network, a Maga-affiliated organization led by Cleta Mitchell, one of Donald Trump’s lawyers. This clandestine group is deploying operatives like Julie Adams to infiltrate election boards and sow seeds of doubt in the democratic process.

The Georgia Election Integrity Coalition, an offshoot of the Election Integrity Network, has become a focal point for this strategy. Julie Adams, a former partner at a law firm where Mitchell once worked, now heads this coalition. With a background in Tea Party activism and a history of representing Trump in election disputes, Adams is a seasoned election denier.

The playbook is simple but insidious. Step one: infiltrate election boards or become poll watchers. Step two: refuse to certify elections, regardless of evidence. Step three: file lawsuits demanding extensive documentation and information, creating chaos and casting doubt on the election’s legitimacy.

Adams followed this playbook to the letter when she abstained from certifying a primary election in Fulton County, Georgia. Despite overwhelming evidence of a fair and fraud-free election, Adams refused to certify the results. Instead, she demanded piles of documentation and filed lawsuits to further delay the process.

This strategy is not limited to Georgia; similar tactics are being deployed in battleground states across the country. Election deniers like Adams are being activated by Trump and his allies to undermine the integrity of the electoral process. Their goal is not to ensure fair elections but to sow chaos and doubt, laying the groundwork for future challenges to election results.


But their efforts are not going unnoticed. Progressive voting rights organizations and legal experts are sounding the alarm, exposing the true intentions of these election deniers. They are not patriots safeguarding democracy but agents of chaos working to undermine it.

As the 2024 election approaches, the threat posed by election deniers grows more urgent. Their playbook is clear, but so too must be our response. We must remain vigilant, expose their tactics, and defend the integrity of our electoral process. The future of our democracy depends on it.