Shrinking Trump: A Psychological Analysis of Trump’s Response to Conviction and Its Impact on the Nation

Psychologists Finally REVEAL Trump's Complete Deterioration - YouTube

In the ever-evolving landscape of American politics, former President Donald Trump remains a figure of intense scrutiny and debate. As legal battles and convictions loom large, the psychological dynamics at play in Trump’s response and the broader national reaction become crucial to understand. Dr. John Gartner and Dr. Harry Segall delve into this intricate web of behavior and public perception in their podcast, “Shrinking Trump,” available on the Really American Network, YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. Their insights shed light on the complex interplay between Trump’s psychological state and the nation’s response to his legal challenges.

The National Response: A Mixed Bag

Dr. Gartner highlights a crucial shift in public opinion following Trump’s conviction. According to recent polls, a significant portion of the electorate, including 45% of Independents and 10% of Republicans, believe that Trump should step down. This sentiment is not negligible; even a 2-8% shift in the electorate’s stance could be decisive in an election. This data suggests that despite the apparent desensitization to Trump’s controversies, there remains a threshold of accountability that resonates with voters.

This nuanced response from the public provides a glimmer of hope. It indicates that certain actions and behaviors still hold weight in the collective conscience, potentially influencing electoral outcomes. The recognition that “something does matter” amidst the barrage of scandals is a positive sign for democratic accountability.

The Power of Spin and the Role of Media

However, the landscape is far from straightforward. Trump’s adeptness at spinning narratives and leveraging media surrogates complicates the public’s reception of his actions. Dr. Segall points to a recent example on Fox and Friends, where Trump was given an hour and a half of airtime filled with softball questions and praise. The edited version broadcast to the public omitted the more revealing aspects of the interview, but the full, unedited version available online exposes the strategy behind it.

Trump’s ability to manipulate media narratives, especially through friendly outlets, reinforces his position and deflects from the gravity of his legal troubles. The soft, almost sycophantic questioning from Fox anchors serves to bolster his victimhood narrative and maintain his base’s loyalty. This dynamic underscores the challenge of countering Trump’s media prowess and the echo chamber effect it creates among his supporters.

Trump’s Psychological Resilience

From a psychological perspective, Trump’s response to his conviction reveals much about his personality and coping mechanisms. Dr. Gartner and Dr. Segall note that Trump thrives on conflict and perceives adversity as a form of persecution. This mindset energizes him rather than demoralizes him. Trump’s rhetoric often frames himself as a victim of unfair treatment, resonating deeply with his base who view him as a martyr fighting against a biased system.

Interestingly, Trump’s self-description during the Fox interview hints at psychopathic traits. His casual dismissal of ethical considerations and his focus on avoiding punishment rather than feeling remorse align with characteristics often associated with psychopathy. Dr. Gartner points out that non-psychopathic individuals feel bad about doing wrong due to their conscience, whereas psychopaths are primarily concerned with the consequences of getting caught.

The Broader Implications for the Nation

Trump’s ability to frame himself as a persecuted figure fighting against the establishment has profound implications for the nation. It fosters a sense of division and fuels a culture of victimhood among his supporters. This dynamic makes it challenging to hold Trump accountable in a conventional sense, as any legal action against him is perceived as further evidence of his persecution.

Dr. Segall warns that Trump’s resilience in the face of adversity should not be underestimated. His capacity to thrive on hate and conflict suggests that he could become even more vindictive and paranoid if he regains power. The potential for retribution against perceived enemies looms large, underscoring the need for vigilance and preparedness in the political landscape.

Educating the Public: The Role of “Shrinking Trump”

Dr. Gartner and Dr. Segall’s podcast, “Shrinking Trump,” aims to provide a clinical perspective on Trump’s behavior and its implications. By analyzing his actions through the lens of psychology, they seek to enlighten the public and foster a deeper understanding of the former president’s motivations and strategies. Each episode tracks instances of Trump’s cognitive slippage and malignant narcissism, offering insights into how these traits manifest in his public conduct.

The podcast also features guest experts who contribute additional perspectives, enriching the discourse around Trump’s psychological profile. Through this educational approach, Dr. Gartner and Dr. Segall hope to equip listeners with the tools to critically assess Trump’s behavior and its impact on the political landscape.


As Trump navigates the legal challenges and the public grapples with the fallout, understanding the psychological underpinnings of his response becomes crucial. Dr. John Gartner and Dr. Harry Segall’s podcast, “Shrinking Trump,” provides a valuable resource for those seeking to decode the former president’s actions and their broader implications. By analyzing Trump’s behavior through a psychological lens, they offer a nuanced perspective on one of the most polarizing figures in modern American politics.

The public’s mixed response to Trump’s conviction highlights both the potential for accountability and the challenges posed by his media manipulation and psychological resilience. As the nation continues to navigate this complex landscape, informed analysis and critical thinking remain essential tools for understanding and addressing the ongoing saga of Donald Trump