Congressman Jimmy Gomez Discusses the Future Under Trump and His Efforts in California’s 34th District

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In a recent interview with Midas Touch, Congressman Jimmy Gomez, representing California’s 34th District, shared his insights on the potential repercussions if Donald Trump were to win the upcoming presidential election, as well as the significant work being done in his district.

The Stark Reality of a Trump Presidency

When asked about the potential impact of a Trump presidency, Congressman Gomez didn’t hold back. He expressed grave concerns about the future of American democracy under Trump. He emphasized that a second Trump term would bring about a very different and troubling reality, one that could threaten the fundamental principles of democracy.

Gomez shared a personal anecdote about his upcoming 50th birthday, illustrating the stark contrast between the futures under a Biden administration versus a Trump administration. If Biden wins, Gomez envisions a secure democracy and a forward-moving agenda focusing on issues that matter to the American people. However, if Trump wins, Gomez predicts a frightening scenario where Trump could implement a dangerous agenda, targeting political enemies, silencing dissent, and ramping up deportations, including potentially targeting protesters.

The Impact on Protests and Immigrants

Reflecting on the early days of Trump’s first term, Gomez recalled the significant women’s marches that took place. He warned that such demonstrations might not be possible under another Trump administration, citing Trump’s stated plans to use the military to prevent rallies. Gomez stressed the diverse nature of his district, where concerns about federal crackdowns on immigrants are already high, especially given Trump’s previous policies like child separation and the “Remain in Mexico” policy.

Gomez underscored that Trump follows through on his promises, no matter how extreme they may be. He expressed fears that Trump’s proposed crackdown on protesters and potential use of the military are genuine threats that must be taken seriously.

Threats to Reproductive Rights and the Judiciary

The conversation also touched on reproductive rights and access to birth control. Gomez warned that under Trump, there could be severe restrictions not just on abortion but also on birth control. He reminded viewers of Trump’s successful efforts to appoint conservative justices to the Supreme Court, which led to the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Gomez cautioned that Trump’s potential to appoint more justices could further erode rights, making it imperative to prevent his re-election.

Addressing the Housing Crisis and Economic Challenges

Shifting focus to his district, Gomez highlighted the pressing issues that his constituents face, particularly the high cost of living and housing. He noted that affordable housing has become a critical issue across the country, from California to Nebraska and Florida. Gomez emphasized the need for policies that address these challenges, such as child care support, affordable housing, and measures to ease the burden of student loan debt.

Effective Communication and Grassroots Engagement

Gomez acknowledged the challenges Democrats face in communicating their message effectively. He pointed out that traditional polling might not capture the sentiments of younger voters, who are less likely to respond to surveys. To bridge this gap, Gomez advocated for direct engagement through door-to-door campaigns, which remain the most powerful way to connect with voters and address their concerns.

Building Coalitions and Legislative Achievements

Reflecting on his tenure in Congress, Gomez shared insights into becoming a more effective legislator. He stressed the importance of preparation, building the right team, and forming coalitions to advance significant legislation. One of his notable achievements includes the renegotiation of NAFTA into a more pro-labor trade agreement and contributions to the Inflation Reduction Act, which included making used electric vehicles eligible for tax credits.

Gomez’s efforts to establish caucuses on housing and fathers demonstrate his commitment to addressing diverse and pressing issues. These initiatives aim to create a broader coalition within Congress to tackle housing affordability, child care, and family support, ensuring that these concerns are at the forefront of legislative priorities.


Congressman Jimmy Gomez’s interview with Midas Touch underscores the critical juncture at which the United States stands. The stark differences between a future under Biden versus Trump highlight the importance of the upcoming election. Gomez’s dedication to addressing the needs of his constituents and his strategic approach to legislation illustrate the kind of leadership required to navigate these challenging times.

As the country approaches the next election, the insights shared by Gomez serve as a powerful reminder of what is at stake and the importance of proactive engagement and informed voting to shape a future that aligns with the values of democracy, inclusion, and progress.