Nicki Minaj surprised 400+ students at Collins Academy High School in Chicago when she showed up as ‘Principal For A Day‘ to acknowledge, Get MotivatED Challenge, a six week competition to improve daily attendance rates nationwide. Principal Minaj explained the importance of education:

I am a young, female mogul before I am an artist. As a business woman there isn’t a single day where I don’t use my education or acquire new knowledge to ensure my success.

Regardless of where you are today, with education you can take yourself where you want to be. That’s why I am working with the Get Schooled Foundation.

They are finding innovative and exciting ways to bring that message to schools like the Collins Academy.

If I didn’t have an education I probably would have signed a horrible contract.

A lot of you guys want to be in the entertainment business – and the key word is BUSINESS. If you look at it just as entertainment you’ll fail.