### The DMX and Drake Beef: A Deep Dive into Industry Criticism and Personal Vendettas

The world of hip-hop has always been rife with feuds, controversies, and beefs. Among the most notable was the outspoken disdain DMX had for Drake.

The late DMX, a legendary figure in the rap industry, did not shy away from expressing his negative opinions about Drake, whom he perceived as emblematic of a broader industry malaise.


This article delves into the intricacies of their feud, the criticisms DMX had against the music industry, and the implications of his claims.

#### DMX’s Disdain for Drake

In a 2012 interview on “The Breakfast Club,” DMX made his feelings about Drake abundantly clear. “I don’t like anything about Drake,” he said. ”

I don’t like his voice, I don’t like what he talks about, I don’t like his haircut.”

This vehement dislike extended beyond superficial traits, with DMX criticizing Drake’s entire persona and presence in the music industry. DMX saw Drake as a product of an industry that he believed was corrupt and manipulative.

#### The Broader Industry Critique

DMX’s criticisms were not solely directed at Drake but at the music industry as a whole. He often spoke out about.

What he saw as the industry’s dark side, accusing record executives of exploiting artists and promoting a culture of favoritism and manipulation.

“They got this new breed of rapper that’s paying DJs to play their [music]… they sucking the record label executives’ dicks,” DMX bluntly stated, highlighting the alleged unethical practices within the industry.

This view was echoed in his music. In his 2005 track “The Industry,” DMX raps about the deceptive nature of the music business:

“The industry is not a game / The industry is not the same.”

He warned aspiring artists about the pitfalls of signing with major labels, suggesting that many were pressured into compromising their integrity for fame and success.

#### Personal Vendettas and Industry Politics

DMX’s disdain for industry practices also extended to other prominent figures like Jay-Z and Diddy. DMX and Jay-Z had a complicated relationship, marked by competition and betrayal.

When Jay-Z became president of Def Jam Records in 2004, DMX claimed that Jay-Z deliberately sabotaged his career to eliminate competition.

“You trying to eliminate the competition,” DMX said in an interview, accusing Jay-Z of undermining the release of his sixth studio album, “Year of the Dog… Again.”

Similar sentiments were expressed towards Diddy, with DMX alleging that Diddy engaged in shady practices with his artists.

DMX accused Diddy of transforming the group The Lox into a more commercial act, stripping away their authentic style to fit a marketable image.

This, according to DMX, was a typical move by industry executives to control and exploit artists.

#### The Role of Lucian Grainge and the Allegations of Exploitation

Another significant figure in this narrative is Lucian Grainge, the CEO of Universal Music Group. Grainge, whom Kanye West referred to as Drake’s “sugar daddy,” represents the apex of the power structure in the music industry.

DMX’s criticism of executives like Grainge centers on their alleged exploitation of artists for profit. Grainge’s remarks about DMX’s struggles with addiction, made during a bizarre recording at DMX’s funeral, only added to the perception of callousness and exploitation.

Grainge described DMX as a “gremlin” and remarked that his death was no surprise, a statement that many found disrespectful and indicative of the industry’s indifference to the well-being of its artists.

#### Drake’s Response and the Unreleased Interview

Drake, for his part, never publicly retaliated against DMX’s attacks. Instead, he made behind-the-scenes efforts to reconcile, such as personally reaching out to DMX to sample his music for his 2016 album “Views.”

Despite this, those close to DMX claimed that he never fully trusted Drake, suspecting ulterior motives. This suspicion was compounded by the sudden cancellation of a planned interview on “Drink Champs,” where Drake was supposed to discuss squashing the beef with DMX.

The interview was announced just days after DMX’s death but never materialized, leaving fans to speculate about the reasons behind its cancellation.

#### Kendrick Lamar’s Euphoria and DMX’s Legacy

The DMX-Drake feud resurfaced in the public eye with Kendrick Lamar’s diss track “Euphoria,” where he took inspiration from DMX’s criticisms of Drake.

Lamar’s track reignited discussions about DMX’s views on the industry, painting a picture of a legendary artist who saw through the veneer of fame to the underlying exploitation and manipulation.

Fans have increasingly recognized DMX as a prophetic figure who exposed the industry’s darker aspects long before they became widely acknowledged.

His warnings about signing away one’s soul for a record deal resonate more strongly in an era where artists are more vocal about their struggles with label control and exploitation.

#### Conclusion

The beef between DMX and Drake was more than a personal vendetta; it was a microcosm of DMX’s broader critique of the music industry.

DMX saw Drake as a symbol of everything that was wrong with the industry—its artificiality, its favoritism, and its exploitation of artists.

As fans revisit DMX’s interviews and music, they find a man who was unafraid to speak his truth, regardless of the powerful enemies he might make.

In death, as in life, DMX remains a polarizing figure whose legacy continues to provoke thought and inspire dialogue about the true nature of the music industry.