Drake’s Controversial Friendship with Millie Bobby Brown: Unpacking the Concerns

In recent weeks, rapper Drake has found himself in hot water over his friendship with actress Millie Bobby Brown. The relationship, which began when Brown was just 13 years old, has raised eyebrows and sparked significant controversy, particularly following a feud between Drake and fellow rapper Kendrick Lamar. This article delves into the nature of Drake and Brown’s friendship, the concerns it has raised, and the broader implications for celebrity interactions with minors.


The Beginning of Their Friendship

Drake and Millie Bobby Brown first met in Australia when Brown was touring for her hit show “Stranger Things.” According to Brown, Drake’s managers approached her father, expressing the rapper’s admiration for the young actress. This encounter led to a burgeoning friendship, characterized by frequent text exchanges and even a dinner together in Sydney. Brown has publicly referred to Drake as a mentor and a “great role model,” highlighting his advice on handling the pressures of the entertainment industry.

Public Scrutiny and Concerns

The nature of their relationship drew significant public attention following comments Brown made at the 2018 Emmy Awards. She mentioned how Drake would text her saying “I miss you so much,” to which she responded, “I miss you more.” These statements, coupled with claims that Drake provided her with relationship advice, set off alarms for many, questioning the appropriateness of a 31-year-old man having such a close relationship with a 13-year-old girl.

Further complicating matters, Brown posted a picture on Facebook showing her on a yacht, with the photo credit given to Drake. This image, combined with another post thanking Drake for a jacket, fueled speculations and concerns about the nature of their interactions. Critics argue that it is unusual and potentially inappropriate for a young teenage girl to spend significant time alone with an adult man in such private settings.

Drake defends his relationship with teenager Millie Bobby Brown with a song  lyric | Marca

Reactions and Backlash

Public reaction to the friendship has been largely negative, with many expressing discomfort and calling the relationship inappropriate. Comments on social media have labeled Drake’s behavior as “creepy” and “weird,” suggesting that his interactions with Brown cross the boundaries of a typical mentor-mentee relationship. Some have gone further, questioning whether Drake’s interest in younger girls stems from unresolved issues from his own teenage years.

In response to the backlash, Brown defended her friendship with Drake, calling the public’s concern “weird” and insisting that she felt blessed to have him in her life. She urged people to focus on more pressing global issues rather than her personal friendships.