What Are 5 Incredible Facts about the Great Pyramid of Giza?

Standing as a testament to the enduring legacy of ancient Egypt, the Great Pyramid of Giza has captivated the imagination of generations with its majestic presence and unparalleled precision. Constructed around 2555 BC, this monumental structure has defied the passage of time, its impeccable orientation to the cardinal points a testament to the remarkable engineering prowess of its creators.


The sheer magnitude of the Great Pyramid’s precision leaves modern observers in awe, surpassing even the accuracy of contemporary marvels such as the Royal Observatory in Greenwich. Its flawless alignment, deviating only 3.6 degrees from true north, speaks volumes about the meticulous planning and execution that went into its construction.

But what technologies and methodologies did the ancient Egyptians employ to achieve such extraordinary precision? How did they transport colossal stone blocks across vast distances without the aid of modern tools or machinery? And perhaps most intriguingly, how did they fit these massive stones together with such exactitude that even the thinnest sheet of paper cannot pass between them?


Herodotus, often hailed as the “father of history,” ventured to unravel the mysteries shrouding the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. According to his accounts, Pharaoh Khufu mobilized the entire population of Egypt for the monumental task, organizing them into two groups of approximately 100,000 workers each. These laborers toiled tirelessly, alternating shifts every three months, over the course of a decade to construct the pyramid. A vast road network was painstakingly built to transport the massive stone blocks to the construction site, where ingenious wooden cranes, resembling swings, were utilized to lift and maneuver the colossal stones into place.

How the Ancient Egyptians Used Data to Build Pyramids | Atlan

However, it’s important to approach Herodotus’ accounts with caution, as they were based on hearsay from Greek settlers and may not provide a comprehensive understanding of the ancient Egyptians’ construction methods. Indeed, even the Egyptians themselves likely lacked precise knowledge of the techniques employed in the construction of the great pyramids, millennia before Herodotus’ time.

As we ponder the mysteries of the Great Pyramid of Giza, we are reminded of the enduring legacy of human ingenuity and innovation. It stands not only as a testament to the capabilities of ancient civilizations but also as an eternal monument to the boundless curiosity and determination of humankind.