In the heart of Thailand, amidst the dense jungles and rocky outcrops, lies an enigmatic sculpture that has left researchers baffled and locals whispering tales of ancient legends. Recently discovered by villagers, this extraordinary creation depicts a colossal serpent, its stone form stretching for tens of meters, adorned with intricately carved scales that mirror those of a living reptile.


The lifelike resemblance of the sculpture to a real serpent has stirred rumors of a giant living snake, sending shivers down the spines of locals who now tread cautiously through the jungle, wary of solitary excursions.

Half buried beneath the earth, the serpent’s body disappears into a cavern, its length concealed, leaving its true dimensions a matter of speculation. However, the towering head, looming above the surrounding trees, casts an imposing presence, hinting at the fearsome visage it once possessed. While one might assume it to be a natural formation, the intricately carved scales and delineated eyes betray its artificial origin.


Attempts by scientists to determine the sculpture’s age have yielded no definitive answers, further shrouding its origins in mystery. Local lore suggests that it was once a living serpent that was turned to stone by a powerful sorcerer—a tale that only deepens the mystique surrounding this remarkable artifact.

According to another legend, the rock itself may have possessed an unconventional shape, which was then refined by the skilled hands of a master sculptor. Regardless of its origin, the sculpture stands as a captivating testament to human creativity and ingenuity, its allure heightened by the veil of myths and legends that enshroud it.

As the whispers of ancient tales echo through the jungle, the enigmatic stone serpent of Chonburi Province continues to captivate the imagination, beckoning curious souls to unravel its secrets and bask in its mysterious allure.