Nestled within the icy expanse of Antarctica, amidst the formidable Admiralty Mountains, lies a captivating enigma that has captured the imaginations of explorers and armchair adventurers alike. Situated a staggering 4000 kilometers from the shores of Australia, this remote locale harbors a spectacle that defies rational explanation—an imposing visage seemingly etched into the surface of a glacier.


As you gaze upon the image, a chill descends, sending shivers down your spine. Through the veil of snow and ice, a face emerges, its features hauntingly familiar yet eerily otherworldly. With a simple click to enlarge the image, the enigmatic countenance looms larger, its presence undeniable.

The dimensions of this icy apparition measure approximately 1000 by 600 meters, casting an imposing silhouette against the stark Antarctic landscape. Its sheer magnitude commands attention, prompting speculation and wonder as to its origins and significance.


Dubbed “Nuevo rostro humano en Antártida” by Google Maps, the name hints at the possibility of similar phenomena scattered across the icy wilderness, waiting to be discovered and explored. It beckons intrepid adventurers to delve into the mysteries of Antarctica, to unravel the secrets hidden within its frozen embrace.

As you ponder the implications of this monumental discovery, one thing becomes clear: the “New Human Face” of Antarctica is more than just a geological oddity—it is a testament to the boundless wonders of our planet, a reminder of the enduring mysteries that lie waiting to be unveiled. And with the coordinates provided below, you too can embark on a journey of discovery, to witness firsthand the awe-inspiring spectacle that awaits in the heart of Antarctica’s icy realm.