During a live broadcast of Gino Jennings’ sermon, an unexpected moment of tension arose when a man named Armstrong challenged Jennings about his biblical teachings. The atmosphere in the sanctuary quickly became charged as Armstrong, who identified himself as a preacher, boldly questioned Jennings’ authority to bear the title of Pastor, claiming it was unbiblical. Armstrong insisted that Jennings must seek God’s forgiveness and renounce his position.

Jennings, maintaining his composure and confidence, responded by citing scripture to validate his pastoral authority. He referenced passages from the Bible, particularly the book of Ephesians, to support his stance that the titles of apostle, prophet, evangelist, and pastor were instituted by God and were legitimate roles within the church.

As the confrontation continued, Jennings pointed to Ephesians 4:11, which states, “And he gave some apostles; and some prophets; and some evangelists; and some pastors and teachers.” Jennings emphasized that these titles were given by God, thus affirming his position as a pastor. Armstrong, however, remained resolute, arguing that Jennings’ claims contradicted the teachings of Christ.

Watch How This Man Challenged Gino Jennings About The Bible, Things  ESCALATED Quickly!! - YouTube

Armstrong referred to Matthew 23, where Jesus instructed not to call anyone on earth ‘father’ or ‘master,’ suggesting that titles like ‘pastor’ were inappropriate. Jennings countered by explaining that these instructions did not prohibit the use of titles like pastor, which simply means shepherd, and highlighted that Jesus himself held multiple titles, which he later bestowed upon men in the church to fulfill.

The debate grew increasingly heated, with Armstrong refusing to back down. Jennings, supported by his congregation and armed with scriptural references, continued to assert his position. He reiterated that Paul, an apostle chosen by Christ, received his message and authority directly from God, thereby legitimizing the use of the title ‘pastor’ within the church.

Despite the escalating tension, Jennings remained composed and repeatedly asked Armstrong to listen and understand the biblical basis for his arguments. He explained that the titles given by God were to serve specific roles within the church, and rejecting these titles would be contrary to scripture.

Pastor Gino Jennings - Program #173 (From the 90s) - YouTube

Towards the end of the confrontation, Jennings called for Armstrong to repent of his sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, emphasizing the need for spiritual humility and acceptance of biblical teachings. Jennings’ congregation supported him throughout, affirming their belief in his authority and the scriptural foundation of his teachings.

The incident highlighted the importance of biblical literacy and the challenges that can arise from differing interpretations of scripture. Jennings’ extensive knowledge of the Bible and his ability to articulate and defend his beliefs demonstrated his deep understanding of theological principles. His unwavering confidence and scriptural backing underscored his authority as a pastor.

Jennings encouraged individuals to study the scriptures diligently and approach discussions with respect and humility, recognizing the depth of his understanding and the importance of proper biblical interpretation. This approach fosters meaningful dialogue and a deeper understanding of God’s word, promoting spiritual growth and clarity in theological concepts.