**Janet Jackson Alleges Diddy Profited from Michael Jackson’s Death**

In a recent shocking revelation, Janet Jackson has suggested that Sean “Diddy” Combs might have financially benefited from the death of her brother, Michael Jackson. This allegation comes amidst a series of civil cases involving Diddy, igniting whispers of a grand conspiracy within the music industry.

In an interview, Janet Jackson opened up about her thoughts on her brother’s death, suggesting that there was more to the story than what was publicly known. When asked if she believed Michael may have been murdered, Janet responded affirmatively, stating, “Absolutely, there’s more to come. I know there’s more to come.”

Why Janet Jackson CLAIMS Diddy’s Linked to Michael Jackson’s Death

The discussion then shifted to the infamous drug, propofol, which Michael Jackson used to help him sleep. Janet expressed her shock upon learning about its use, highlighting the gravity of the situation. “That was a shocker to me,” she said. “It’s serious. That’s heavy.”

The Los Angeles coroner’s office ruled Michael’s death a homicide and launched an investigation into Dr. Conrad Murray, Michael’s personal physician. Dr. Murray was being paid $150,000 a month to care for Michael, and his role in administering propofol came under scrutiny. Janet held Dr. Murray responsible for her brother’s death, although she acknowledged that others might also be involved. “He was the one that was administering it. I think he is responsible,” she stated.

Janet recounted the last moments she shared with her brother, revealing the pain and sorrow that still haunt her. She described a family gathering, the last time she saw Michael, and the final words they exchanged: “I love you.” Janet vividly remembers the moment she learned of Michael’s deteriorating health. An assistant delivered the grim news while she was at home in New York, a moment etched in her memory.

Why Janet Jackson CLAIMS Diddy's Linked to Michael Jackson's Death - YouTube

Reflecting on the aftermath of Michael’s death, Janet admitted to struggling with her grief. She confessed that she couldn’t watch any of Michael’s videos or listen to his music for a long time. “There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t think about him,” she said. “Not one day.”

The interview also touched on Janet’s involvement in trying to help Michael with his addiction issues. She revealed that the family had attempted interventions several times, but Michael was in denial about his problems. Janet’s own experience with prescription medication addiction made her particularly sensitive to Michael’s plight. She recounted traveling to Mexico City to help Michael find the appropriate treatment.

Janet’s disclosure about Diddy’s alleged involvement in profiting from Michael’s death adds another layer to the complex narrative surrounding the King of Pop’s untimely demise. This revelation is part of a larger conversation about accountability and the pressures faced by celebrities. Janet’s assertion that there is more to come hints at ongoing investigations and the potential for new information to surface.

Janet Jackson’s revelations have sparked significant interest and concern within the music industry and among Michael Jackson’s fans. The allegations against Diddy and the discussion of Michael’s struggles with addiction underscore the tragic nature of his death and the ongoing quest for truth and justice. As Janet said, “The truth always prevails.” This statement leaves a lingering hope that the full story will eventually come to light, bringing some closure to a deeply painful chapter in the Jackson family’s history.