The famous American rapper has admitted for the first time that his relationship with his beautiful wife, Beyonce Knowles, has gone through difficult phases. However, he believes this helped him realize what is most important in his life and appreciate the woman by his side.

Jay Z recently participated in an interesting conversation with the editor-in-chief of the New York Times. The 47-year-old rapper and his beautiful wife have been together for over 10 years and have three adorable kids. However, like every other couple in Hollywood, they have also gone through difficulties, ups and downs, and even fractures.

Nevertheless, Jay Z was helped by friends who arranged for him to meet a skilled psychologist to talk and resolve misunderstandings. Thanks to this, his marriage to Beyonce has survived until now. After a difficult period, the couple welcomed a pair of twins, a boy and a girl, this past summer.

Jay Z và bà xã Beyonce Knowles là một trong những cặp đôi quyền lực nhất làng giải trí Mỹ.

“I have grown a lot since then. But I think the most important thing I have learned is that everything in life is connected. Every emotion is connected and stems from something. And we should recognize that. It helps us understand that living in this world is a blessing. You realize that if someone hates you, it’s not your fault. It comes from what has happened to them and shaped their mindset. For example, if someone tries to bully you, it might be because they were bullied in the past,” Jay Z said.

Speaking about his relationship with his beautiful wife, Jay Z said, “We talk to each other all the time. I am proud of her music, and she is proud of the art I have contributed. At the end of the day, we appreciate each other’s musical creations. I know my wife is amazing and talented.”

“The divorce rate is 50% in relationships because most people do not recognize themselves. The hardest part is seeing the pain on your partner’s face that you have caused and then finding a way to resolve it,” Jay Z said about the cracks in a marital relationship.

Jay Z does not hide the fact that he cheated on his wife in the past, but fortunately, with the help of a psychologist, he and the beautiful singer did not divorce and continue to be together.

Jay Z also admitted that his relationship with rapper Kanye West is currently very turbulent. There is information that Kanye no longer works with Jay Z due to financial conflicts. “I talked to Kanye. I told him, ‘Hey, brother, I love you.’ Our relationship is really complicated.”

Cặp đôi đã có với nhau 3 đứa con, một cô con gái và cặp sinh đôi một trai, một gái.

Jay Z understands that both he and Kanye work in the entertainment industry, and there is always an underlying competition between them even though they are good brothers. “We both respect and love each other’s art. Both of us want to be the top artists in the world.”

Despite the conflicts, Jay Z hopes he and Kim Kardashian’s husband will continue to be friends until they are 89 years old because, in Jay Z’s eyes, Kanye West is a great artist with a strong passion for art and creativity.

Jay Z recently received eight Grammy nominations for 2018 for the album “4:44”. He is present in most important categories such as Album of the Year, Record of the Year, and Song of the Year. Jay Z was also the most-followed artist on Instagram in 2017.