The Victims of The Kardashians: A Cultural Phenomenon

In the realm of contemporary pop culture, few names are as polarizing as the Kardashians. From their rise to fame through reality television to their significant presence on social media, the Kardashian family has become a cultural juggernaut. Yet, behind the glitz and glamour, there are numerous individuals and societal facets that some argue have become “victims” of the Kardashian phenomenon.

1. The Unrealistic Beauty Standards

One of the most pervasive impacts of the Kardashians is the propagation of unrealistic beauty standards. With their surgically enhanced bodies and meticulously curated social media images, they have set a beauty benchmark that is nearly impossible for the average person to achieve naturally. This influence has fueled the booming cosmetic surgery industry and the rise of the “Instagram face” — a homogenized look characterized by full lips, high cheekbones, and flawless skin. Many young individuals, especially women, feel pressured to conform to these standards, often leading to body dysmorphia, low self-esteem, and an unhealthy obsession with appearance.

2. The Exploitation of Culture

The Kardashians have often been accused of cultural appropriation. From wearing cornrows to adopting traditionally Black hairstyles and fashion, their actions have sparked considerable backlash. Critics argue that while the Kardashians profit from these elements, the original cultures often face discrimination and lack the same recognition. This dynamic underscores a broader issue of how minority cultures are commodified and exploited by those in positions of power and influence.

3. The Reality TV Illusion

The reality TV show “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” has blurred the lines between reality and entertainment. The show’s heavily edited and scripted nature gives viewers a distorted perception of the Kardashian lifestyle, portraying it as effortlessly glamorous and problem-free. This illusion can lead fans to unrealistic expectations about their own lives and relationships, perpetuating the myth that wealth and fame are the ultimate sources of happiness.

4. The Impact on Mental Health

The omnipresence of the Kardashians on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter has a profound impact on mental health. Their constant display of luxury and perfection can lead to feelings of inadequacy and depression among followers who compare their everyday lives to the seemingly perfect lives of the Kardashians. Studies have shown that excessive social media use, particularly exposure to idealized images, can contribute to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

5. The Erosion of Privacy

The Kardashians have also contributed to the erosion of privacy in modern society. Their willingness to share every detail of their lives, from personal relationships to medical procedures, has set a precedent for what is considered normal in terms of public sharing. This trend has influenced a generation to overshare on social media, often without considering the long-term consequences of making their private lives public.

6. The Commercialization of Personal Life

Perhaps one of the most significant criticisms is the commercialization of their personal lives. The Kardashians have turned every aspect of their existence into a brand, monetizing everything from their relationships to their children’s births. This relentless commercialization can create a cynical view of human relationships and authenticity, reducing personal experiences to mere content for profit.


While the Kardashian empire continues to grow, it’s essential to recognize the broader implications of their influence. The unrealistic beauty standards, cultural appropriation, mental health impacts, privacy erosion, and commercialization of personal life highlight the complex and often detrimental effects they have on society. As consumers of media, it’s crucial to critically evaluate the content we engage with and be mindful of the underlying messages and values being promoted. The Kardashians may be a cultural phenomenon, but the societal cost of their influence warrants careful consideration.