Kourtney Kardashian, a member of the famous Kardashian-Jenner clan, recently found herself in hot water over a controversial marketing campaign for her health brand, Lemme. This incident has not only sparked public backlash but has also highlighted the strained dynamics within her family.

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The controversy began when Kourtney posted a series of photos on Instagram promoting her Lemme products. These photos, taken in a grocery store, featured her spilling milk on the floor and pushing a cart full of her products. She captioned the photos with “don’t cry over spilled milk,” adding a comment, “unless it’s breast milk.” The campaign was meant to be quirky and attention-grabbing but instead left many confused and outraged.

People were quick to criticize the campaign for being out of touch with reality. In a world where millions suffer from hunger and food scarcity, spilling milk for an advertisement was seen as insensitive and wasteful. One commenter pointed out, “I hope it’s not real milk when there are millions of people who are hungry right now all over the world. Wasting food is never a good publicity for any brand.” Another said, “Imagine being so wealthy and detached from reality that you think posts like this are a good idea.”

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The backlash was swift and intense, with many calling out Kourtney for her insensitivity. As the criticism mounted, Kourtney expected her family to step in and help manage the situation. However, the Kardashians, known for their tight-knit bond and ability to control media narratives, remained notably silent. This silence was surprising given the family’s history of managing and mitigating public relations crises.

Kourtney’s frustration with her family, particularly her mother Kris Jenner and sister Kim Kardashian, became evident. She accused them of prioritizing their own businesses while neglecting hers. Kris Jenner, often referred to as the “momager,” has been instrumental in the success of her daughters’ ventures, particularly Kim’s SKIMS and Kylie Jenner’s Kylie Cosmetics. Kourtney felt that her brand did not receive the same level of support and protection.

This favoritism is not new. Kris Jenner has often been accused of favoring her more successful daughters. Kourtney’s decision to focus on her family and reduce her involvement in the family’s reality TV show, “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” further strained her relationship with her mother and sisters. Kourtney has expressed feeling bullied and unsupported by Kim and Khloé Kardashian, stating that they criticize her for not fitting their mold.

The tension reached a boiling point during an explosive phone call where Kourtney declared she was done with the family drama and wanted to distance herself from them. She felt that her decision to prioritize her family and personal well-being was not respected or valued by her siblings.

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The lack of support from her family during the Lemme controversy has left Kourtney feeling isolated. Despite the family’s ability to control media narratives and manage controversies, they chose not to step in this time. This decision raises questions about the family’s priorities and whether their support is conditional on financial success.

Kourtney’s situation underscores the complexities of family dynamics within the Kardashian-Jenner clan. While they present a united front, underlying tensions and favoritism can create deep rifts. Kourtney’s desire to focus on her own family and personal happiness has come at the cost of her relationship with her mother and sisters.

As Kourtney navigates this challenging period, it remains to be seen how she will manage the fallout from the controversial campaign and the lack of support from her family. Will she be able to repair her relationship with her siblings and mother, or will this incident mark a permanent divide within the famous family?

In the world of the Kardashians, where public image and family loyalty are paramount, Kourtney’s struggle highlights the pressures of maintaining a personal brand while navigating complex family relationships. The outcome of this controversy will not only impact Kourtney’s business but also the dynamics of one of the most famous families in the world.