Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the channel. I appreciate all the love and support from you guys. We’re back on Tissa Tail’s channel. I’ll leave her channel link in the description so you can check out more and subscribe. She does a great job diving into these topics. We still want to know what’s going to happen with Diddy, but look at this title: “Diddy Sends Strong Message Lawyers That Abandon Him; He Holds All Their Secrets.” This is what I’m talking about. I feel like it’s going to be hard to take him down because he’s going to bring people down with him. We ain’t gonna waste no more time. Let’s jump right into it.

Hey, what’s up, guys? How y’all doing today? Well, baby, if you are Sean Diddy Combs, you want to sit there and flex and let everybody know this, no, like home. But baby, unless you’re talking about cell block one, what are you talking about? Baby, if you don’t know, Diddy wiped his Instagram clean a couple of weeks ago.

Right now, he was planning a relaunch or something like that. I still say he’s gonna rebrand. And that brother loves freedom, but people are saying, “Well, it’s not even true.” He posted on his Instagram a picture of him walking, or a video of him walking on his plane, talking about some, “Ah, it feels good to be home.” To which I said, “Mofo, do you think we’re stupid?” If you don’t know, Diddy has been officially notified that he is under federal investigation.

There’s a grand jury that is currently hearing evidence, and he has been notified. When you are notified, that is typically the last thing that happens before there is an actual indictment. Now, a lot of people are saying, “Oh my God, Diddy must be fleeing the country.” My folks, let me tell you something.

Diddy ain’t fleeing nowhere ’cause you know I had to talk to a few people that know about some things. And they said, “Listen, first of all, they are right now in a pre-charge, um, investigation, but the grand jury has convened, okay?” So the thing is, right, until he is formally charged or arrested, they will not take back his passport. But people are saying that Diddy ain’t going nowhere but to California and back, or maybe he’s going to Milwaukee to just dump out some tapes over the Great Lakes. I don’t know what’s going on, but this is so crazy, man.

Like, again, if it was anybody else, they already would be under the jail. They need to, some of these laws need to change, man. I mean, to have video footage of what he did to Cassie, and him to just be walking around still Harlem shaking, is just crazy to me. Just crazy, saying that Diddy officially has to notify his attorney where he is traveling to, and the attorney people are saying, “Have to notify the court.” On top of that, the feds are now clocking his movements. So even if he felt like, even if he considered, even if he thought he was hop-skipping and jumping over to be, baby, they’re going to be waiting on him like, “We saw you from the door.

We already knew Bize was your next mark. We already had some guys on the ground just sitting there, waiting, doing the Birdman hustle thing. We already saw that, y’all. Let’s get into this.” So Diddy’s travel has been restricted. People are saying, “Now, while it is unclear whether they actually physically possessed his, uh, quietly possessed his passport or not, he must notify his attorneys when he plans to travel.” And sorry, the feds are keeping a close eye on all his movements, not just because they’re just like, “Oh, no, no, no, no. You ain’t running. You standing T-toes down for this.” But also because they are looking at his movement.

So if you know that he’s restricted, if you know he can’t flee, if you know all this, then you have to ask what’s with this big show about “There’s no place like home.” Because here’s the thing. Diddy has ties to a lot of very powerful people. We go and right now, people are saying, because Diddy allegedly kept tapes of everyone, he kept documents, he knows what’s going on. A lot of people are saying, “So let me get this straight. You got dirt on me, but the feds got dirt on you. And if I operate with the feds, that might stop you from releasing dirt about me. And it will also stop the feds from releasing dirt about me.

But if the feds don’t have you dead to rights and maybe you got a little bit more juice left, maybe I better stand by your side because I don’t want to throw you under the bus because my dirt that you got on me might come out.” Because that’s the way the people that are involved in this, they don’t want this dirt to come out. That’s the key right there. They and look, I think it’s bad. I think it’s really bad as far as the dirt he has on people, you know, like bad for them for their image for all that, you know? It could be some dude to everybody think is his macho man tough dude and he probably have tapes on him with another guy, you know? We don’t even get into the other, deeper, deeper stuff. But yeah, it could be your favorite people you like watching, guaranteed. So what does this have to do with Diddy? People are saying that Diddy is putting on this bravado, this facade because I probably, I would think his attorneys are advising him. If you don’t want everybody to start, sorry guys, second week without coffee, but I’m G to get there. If you guys don’t, if you don’t want people to start scattering, people to abandon you, people to do all this stuff, then you better act like everything’s okay.

You better start walking through, take this money, get this money. You better start doing whatever you can. How much you want to bet Diddy probably, you think Diddy had the balls to approach Kendrick for a collab? Probably not. He probably got Top Dog let that happen. However, you think he approached, uh, Drake ain’t no way Kendrick is collabing with Diddy, especially the way he just exposed Drake. Now, Drake and Diddy, that’s a whole another situation. But Kendrick, ain’t no way, ain’t no damn way for a collab.

Heard you like, um, heard you like a EDM. I heard you, um, young. Let’s, um, let’s, let’s link up, right? Let’s get into Hellcat position. Wow. But again, they are trying to send a signal that everything is okay and don’t abandon this yet because this is probably something that will go away or if it doesn’t go away, we can manage that. You saw in my old live, uh, he was talking to Brennan and all this stuff. Um, you guys see what’s going on. Now let’s get into this, right? Also, let’s look into why he might be doing this.

We have to go back to why Diddy’s lawyers actually abandoned him. The guy that was head of his law firm was, uh, Kenny M’s, Kenny M’s sale, right? And his son, Ben M’s sale goes all the way back to that Jonathan Aye situation. If you guys didn’t see my live, I’ll give you guys the recap. Jonathan Aye in 2012 told us that Ben M’s sale, who was also the Midas touch, which is a democratic political powerhouse, they’re on YouTube and all over the place.

His daddy is Ken M’s sale. That is Diddy’s lawyer for 20 years that just dumped him, Jonathan Aye, told us in a, uh, what do you call it? In the interview, uh, interrogation, I think it happened in 2016 about they was moving weight, money laundering, and working for the crew and doing stuff for the cartoon with, uh, Shuck this and that, and all this crazy stuff. He said that it was going on from 2002 on. Again, you saw what happens with Trump’s lawyers. We’re not getting into politics, but the fact that the feds are trying to chip away at attorney-client privilege saying that if you are in conspiracy for Rico and helping your client do alleged crimes, then baby, we’re gonna put you up on court too.

The feds came a-knocking to Kenny M’s thing again. This is what the streets are saying. Jonathan Aye already said that they were into some BS. Let’s also not forget that all those, uh, when Diddy was intimidating people, Diddy was shaking down people. Ken M’s sales, I believe, was Diddy’s lawyer when they were writing releases for Cassie. Let’s not forget.

Remember when Cassie had to negotiate her way out of her deal? Ken M’s sales wasn’t part of that deal. So how much did Ken M’s actually see? How much does Ken M’s actually know? How much does Ken really think about what she’s saying? Y’all think about just all of these people, all these famous people, these celebrities, man. All these parties they go to. People know. It’s so many other, it’s so many more people who you may think may not know, knows, is what