Royal A-level results – Kate Middleton, Prince Harry and Prince William’s grades and one who failed

Royal A-level results - Kate Middleton, Prince Harry and Prince William's  grades and one who failed - Mirror Online

After a very nervous wait, teenagers across the country will be receiving their A-level results today – and in years gone by royals including the Prince and Princess of Wales and Prince Harry have been among them

Being royal doesn’t mean you get to skip school exams – just ask Prince William, Prince Harry or even King Charles.

As teenagers across England and Wales eventually get to receive their A-level results today, in previous years members of the Firm, including the Princess of Wales, were once among them and will remember the nerve-wracking wait for grades.

Some royals appear to have excelled at school earning top-notch grades and places at prestigious universities where they achieved impressive degrees. However, some didn’t mix well with formal schooling and don’t have many qualifications to their names. Here’s how they all got on…

Prince William

William started at the prestigious Eton College in 1995 and when he picked up his A-level results five years later in 2000, the piece of paper showed a mixed range of grades. He got an A in geography, a B in art and a C in biology. These grades earned him a place to study a History of Art degree at St Andrews University in Scotland, but he later swapped courses and changed to Geography.

But before heading to uni, William took a gap year, spending time in travelling to Chile, Kenya, Tanzania and Botswana. His uni days proved to be pivotal as they are when he met his future wife Kate and romance blossomed. He left St Andrews with a 2:1 degree.

Prince Harry

It’s fair to say that King Charles and Princess Diana’s younger son Harry wasn’t quite as academic as his big brother, excelling in other areas during his time at Eton. He left the top school with slightly worse grades – a B in Art and D in Geography in his A-levels.

Harry attended Eton - a prestigious school near Windsor - until 2003
Harry attended Eton – a prestigious school near Windsor – until 2003 
Tim Graham Photo Library via Get)

Prince Harry
Prince Harry finishing his Eton school days back in 2003 
Getty Images Europe)

However during his time at school, Harry was House Captain of Games, represented the school at rugby, cricket and polo, and was a member of the Combined Cadet Force. After finishing his A-levels in 2003, Harry also took a gap year, travelling to Australia, Africa and Argentina. He decided against university and instead joined the Army, where he embarked on a successful military career.

Kate Middleton

William and Kate are known for their competitive streaks – and Kate beat William in their A-levels, taking home better grades than him on results day. She attended Marlborough College in Wiltshire for her A-levels and her hard work meant she got As in Maths and Art, and a B in English.

Kate (centre) with her school hockey team
Kate (centre) with her school hockey team 
Getty Images)
The impressive grades earned her a place at St Andrew’s University in Scotland – where she would meet her future husband. Like William, Kate took a gap year before starting anniversary and the pair actually did a very similar trip but their dates didn’t overlap. Kate graduated from St Andrews in 2005 with a 2:1 in History of Art.

King Charles

King Charles had a very different education to his sons as his dad, the late Prince Philip, was determined to send him to Gordonstoun, a private school in Scotland that combines learning with the outdoors.

He left with five O-levels (GCSEs) and two A-levels – a B in History and a C in French. He then went on to Cambridge University where he achieved a 2:2 degree in History. Legend has it his bodyguard who was present at all lectures with the young prince sat the exams too – and got a First.

Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie

Princess Eugenie is probably the smartest royal in terms of grades. Her two As in Art and English Literature and B in History of Art, beat older sister Princess Beatrice, who received an A in Drama and Bs in History and Film Studies. Beatrice went on to get a 2:1 from Goldsmiths University in History of Ideas. Eugenie studied English Literature, History of Art and Politics at Newcastle University and graduated at the end of her three-year course in 2012 with a 2:1.


As she was educated in America, Meghan Markle didn’t follow the same exam system the rest of the Royal Family.

She began her secondary education at Immaculate Heart High School in 1992 where she was known as a hard working and focused student. America does not test students using GCSEs or A-levels, and it has not been reported what Meghan got on her SATs (which is the test students take as an entry into university) but it is known that she got the grades she needed to get into university.

Meghan Markle
As well as learning, Meghan used her school days to campaign against things she was passionate about – including a sexist TV ad 
She went on gain a double major in Theatre and International Relations at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois in 2003. During her time at university, she completed an internship at the US Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where she learned to speak Spanish. She also studied French for six years.

Lady Louise Windsor

As the youngest granddaughter of the late Queen, Lady Louise Windsor only received her A-level results in 2022 – and the 20-year-old is now following in the footsteps of her older cousin William and his wife Kate by studying at St Andrews University.

Buckingham Palace did not revealed Louise’s results, but St Andrews is one of the country’s top universities, with standard entry grades set at AAA and minimum entry grades of ABB for English – the course she is studying. The oldest child of the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh is about to go into her third year.

Queen Camilla

Queen Camilla first attended Dumbrells School in Sussex, and then went on to Queen’s Gate School in South Kensington – but she only left with one O-level and didn’t achieve any A-levels. After this she went to Mon Fertile, a finishing school in Switzerland and also studied at the Institut Britannique in Paris.

Princess Diana didn’t do quite as well at school and failed all her O-levels twice. However she apparently excelled in deportment, having attended finishing school in Switzerland.

Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward

Princess Anne attended Benenden school in Kent where she gained six O-levels, and three A-levels in English, History and Politics. While Prince Andrew attended Gordonstoun like his older brother, his academic choices were much like Anne’s – six O-levels and A-levels in English, History and Politics.

Prince Edward also went to Gordonstoun and has nine O-levels and three A-levels in English, History and Politics. He then gained a 2:2 degree in History from Cambridge University.