It seems that this new documentary from veteran Royal chronicler U Grunwald could be the one to blow the lid off Meghan’s shady past onc…

It seems that this new documentary from veteran Royal chronicler U Grunwald could be the one to blow the lid off Meghan’s shady past once and for all. Insider rumblings suggest that the former Duchess of Deceit is sweating bullets over what new bombshells might surface.

According to my sources, there’s reportedly worry and panic coursing through the Monteo compound as Grunwald’s crew delves deeper into the real story behind Meghan’s origins and her path to marrying into the royal family.

Apparently, there are many aspects of her life before Harry that she would prefer to keep buried forever. I wonder what juicy secrets our favorite fame-hungry Duchess could be hiding. Perhaps we will finally get the full scoop on how her first marriage to that Hollywood producer guy imploded so catastrophically.

The breakup was so messy that the guy has stayed virtually silent ever since to avoid Megan’s notorious wrath.

But as the source suggests, maybe the right documentary crew waving a big fat check in Trevor’s face could get him to spill all the tea on why Meghan transformed from a blushing bride into a runaway wife in just a couple of years.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg, though. Apparently, Meghan has been downplaying or outright obscuring major events or relationships from her pre-Harry days for years now. It’s not surprising coming from the undisputed queen of media manipulation and obsessive image curation.

Imagine what other scandalous secrets from the Meghan Markle Cinematic Universe could be revealed with some thorough investigative journalism.

A grifter of her world-class talents is guaranteed to have left a trail of burnt bridges, turned backs, and screwed-over acquaintances in her pre-Duchess past.

How fascinating would it be to hear from some of those disgruntled individuals? There must be no shortage of Hollywood side players, business partners, and miscellaneous Megan associates over the years who would happily collect a paycheck from Fra Grunwald in exchange for some scalding behind-the-scenes tea.

And of course, the drama surrounding Meghan’s fallout with the Princess of Wales herself is bound to be a significant part of this documentary. Megan’s version of events, blaming the entire conflict entirely on Kate, is about to face a hard fact check.

I can already hear the gnashing of teeth and anguished cries of racism and misogyny emanating from the Monteo compound over that one. Because we all know Meghan’s motto: when the truth about your shady actions comes out, just accuse everyone of hating on you for being a biracial woman. So on brand.