Real Reason Jayson Tatum Never Defends Jaylen Brown

Real Reason Jayson Tatum Never Defends Jaylen BrownReal Reason Jayson Tatum Never Defends Jaylen Brown

The Boston Celtics won an NBA championship this past season thanks to the efforts of Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown.

Throughout the regular season the former was the team’s centerpiece and most consistently good player. In the playoffs, the latter took over while Tatum repeatedly under-delivered.

Tatum and Brown have always had an interesting dynamic.

Whereas Tatum would always get credit for being a top-tier player in the league, Brown was constantly subjected to criticism and trade speculation.

Part of that is Brown’s own fault, of course. He is known for being something of a snaky guy. Everyone knows the real reason Team USA kept him off the roster for the 2024 Olympics.

But a lot of it has also ignored the role Brown has consistently played in Boston’s success over the past few years.

This week, Chris Mannix touched on something of an interesting topic – why Tatum never bothered protecting Brown from all the criticism and trade speculation.

“One regret that Jayson told me he has, is that he wished he was more vocal over the years in support of Jaylen Brown,” Mannix said.

“He’s always told him privately, ‘I’ve got your back.’ People around me have always said to me, ‘Look Jayson has no problems with Jaylen Brown’… I think these stories have some legs because we didn’t hear a lot from Jayson Tatum. He never criticized [Brown], but he wasn’t maybe as vocal as he could’ve been.”

What’s hilarious about this particular statement from Tatum is that he once again had the opportunity to defend Brown just a few weeks ago.

Brown expressed outward annoyance at being passed up for Team USA when Kawhi Leonard departed. Tatum was asked about this. He awkwardly responded by essentially saying he had no response.

It seems pretty clear that Tatum doesn’t actually like Brown. The pair seem to have a cordial enough working relationship, but there is nothing deeper there. That is why Tatum never bothered defending Brown.

Tatum can try to spin the situation however he wants, but the reality is, everyone can see it for what it is.