The Disturbing Rhetoric and Media Coverage of Donald Trump: A Closer Look

Donald Trump accidentally revealed something very important in a tweet |  CNN Politics


Former President Donald Trump continues to draw significant attention with his speeches and public appearances, which often feature misleading claims and inflammatory rhetoric. One of the latest peculiar additions to his speeches is his use of Tic Tacs as a prop to illustrate inflation, a claim that has been widely debunked. Despite the obvious inaccuracies, much of the mainstream media has chosen to focus on these stunts rather than the more serious issues surrounding his behavior and statements. This article delves into the absurdity of Trump’s Tic Tac inflation claim, the media’s response, and the more troubling aspects of Trump’s public appearances that deserve greater scrutiny.

The Tic Tac Inflation Claim

During his recent speeches, Donald Trump has taken to holding up a regular-sized Tic Tac and a Tic Tac Mini, claiming that the size difference is evidence of inflation. This assertion is patently false. Tic Tac Minis are a separate product designed for convenience, not a reflection of changing product sizes due to inflation. Tic Tac, owned by the Italian family company Ferrero, has not altered the size of its standard product in response to economic conditions. In fact, the company’s sales have reached record highs, showing that their business strategy, including the introduction of Tic Tac Minis, has been successful.

Media’s Obsession with the Superficial

Despite the glaring inaccuracies in Trump’s claims, media outlets such as ABC have amplified his message by giving it airtime without adequately debunking it. This focus on trivial matters detracts from more substantive issues. For instance, at a town hall event in Phoenix, Trump led the audience in a chant filled with curse words, held in a church no less, while over a dozen attendees passed out due to heat exhaustion outside. Such events highlight the chaos and disregard for public well-being that often accompany Trump’s appearances, yet they receive far less media coverage.

The Deeper Issues

Trump’s use of Tic Tacs in his speeches is particularly troubling given his history. The infamous Access Hollywood tape from 2005 features Trump bragging about using Tic Tacs before making unwanted advances on women. In the tape, Trump says, “I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.” This context casts a sinister shadow over his current use of Tic Tacs as a prop, reminding us of his history of misogyny and sexual misconduct.

Legal Troubles and Deposition

Trump’s past statements came back to haunt him in a deposition related to a defamation case brought by writer E. Jean Carroll, who accused him of rape. During the deposition, Trump repeated his defense that being a star allows certain liberties, which he believes historically to be true. This deposition, where he dismisses the allegations and makes derogatory comments about Carroll’s lawyer, underscores his lack of remorse and persistent misogyny.

Inflation and the Economy: Setting the Record Straight

Contrary to Trump’s claims about inflation, the United States has seen significant economic recovery and growth under the Biden administration. Inflation has decreased more than in any other G7 nation, and recent job reports show the creation of over 270,000 jobs, surpassing expectations. The unemployment rate remains at historic lows, and the stock market has reached record highs, contrary to Trump’s predictions of economic collapse under Biden.


The media’s focus on Trump’s trivial and misleading claims, such as the Tic Tac inflation stunt, distracts from more pressing issues related to his behavior and rhetoric. The mainstream media needs to pivot towards covering the substantial and often disturbing aspects of Trump’s public life and legal troubles. By doing so, they can provide the public with a clearer understanding of the broader implications of his actions and statements. It is crucial for the media to hold figures like Trump accountable, not just for their words, but for the harmful ideologies and behaviors they propagate.